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Thursday, July 19, 2012

Maryland Dream Act Supporters Launch Campaign to Uphold Law

Amid chants and cheers, a group including clergy, unions and a university president rallied Wednesday in support of Maryland's law to give tuition breaks to illegal immigrants.

"Vote yes for education! Vote yes for Maryland students!" yelled Karina, a 22-year-old illegal immigrant from Montgomery County who wants to attend college at the discounted in-state rate.

The coalition wants to uphold the Maryland Dream Act, a controversial 2011 law that would let some illegal immigrants pay the lower in-state tuition rate at the state's colleges and universities. The law would apply to illegal immigrants who have attended Maryland high schools and whose families have filed state tax returns. Students would have to attend two years of community college before applying to a four year college.



  1. Man I hope you can get Hope back in Maryland. Since my state has gotten rid of it, most of the illegals have left to Maryland.

    Hmm thats strange, it appears that the people who want hand out have internet, check the states that give the most benefits then move there.

    Things that make you say hmmm, kind of like roaches at night.

  2. "Vote yes for education! Vote yes for Maryland students!" yelled Karina, a 22-year-old illegal immigrant from Montgomery County.

    Why hasn't she been picked up yet if this is a KNOWN fact?????

  3. Here's the money quote from the comments:

    "The Dream Act is not about students. It is all about increasing latino political power by increasing the latino population in Md."

    And what party do you suppose the bulk of them will vote for? Once again, I hope all you democrats are proud of the legislation your chosen representatives put forth.


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