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Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Man Cuts Himself In Fruitland

A lot of people are contacting me referencing so many Police Officer at WalMart in Fruitland.

First of all, nothing is going on at WalMart. A man cut himself in the woods behind WalMart.


  1. They have an ambulance, DNR, and every officer from the FPD for a cut?

  2. First off - not every police officer from FPD is there. There are a few on the highway - awaiting you speeders.

  3. I saw 5 cars, that's a waste of tax payers money if that was all that was going on. Thank you Joe for the scoop.

  4. and they can't find him.

  5. If a man cut himself in the woods and no one was around,how did anyone know?

  6. Do you read what you write before you post it? Police Officers

  7. I wonder if it was one of the homeless people that live back there.

  8. So you have a possible suicidal subject who cut himself already and is within 100 yards of a populated shopping center and you dont want alot of police officers. Some of you people want to gripe about everything....think about a situation and possible outcomes before you gripe.

  9. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    So you have a possible suicidal subject who cut himself already and is within 100 yards of a populated shopping center and you dont want alot of police officers. Some of you people want to gripe about everything....think about a situation and possible outcomes before you gripe.

    July 3, 2012 9:44 AM

    If he wants to take his life let him. It's his choice. Selective reduction.

  10. @9:44

    That's what police K-9's are for dummy, they can do the job of 20 officers when hunting for a body or subject.

  11. While were on the subject of Fruitland, can anyone tell me why every time I drive through, the police are searching peoples vehicles. It's not unusual to drive through the town and see people pulled over, that was bad enough. Now every time I drive through, the FPD has someone pulled over and are searching vehicles. Is this just an excuse to use their canine units?

  12. A armed suicidal subject in a large wooded area required much more than 5 officers to hold a perimeter to insure the subject doesn't escape into populated areas. It amazes me how little the pubilc knows about police work.


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