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Friday, July 06, 2012

Let's Get Real With The Numbers

Not long ago the Daily Times did an article implying Wicomico County is healthy business and job wise. This just isn't true.

While Wicomico County continues to grow about 1% a year, that means there are around 900 new people each year searching for jobs.

In the last 12 quarters, (3 years) the employment rate has DROPPED each and every quarter. So just where is the Daily Times getting their figures from? Is it more of the same, simply printing numbers the County hands them?

Later today we will provide factual documents supporting our numbers. Numbers that even the Daily Times have admitted are more accurate. In fact, the reporter stated they wished they had those figures before the published their article.

However, WE wouldn't have known about their numbers if we hadn't read their article first.

Do you believe there are 900 new jobs coming to Wicomico County every year? Are you seeing that kind of growth? Are you satisfied with the wages being offered with the jobs that are available?

It's no wonder Ireton wants to build more affordable and section 8 housing projects. We must do better than this Ladies & Gentlemen. We must demand much more from our elected officials. We cannot survive off of entitlements. I believe we're better than that. I also believe with the proper encouragement we can do better.

Pointing fingers and blaming others because you don't get your way is not the answer. Filing petitions to defame people who have worked very hard to protect our interests is not the answer.

We must unite. We must work together. Each party has great ideas. We simply need people in office who can unite those ideas and make them work. However, a total vision has to be put on the table first and entitlements, well, we've seen the inner city of Baltimore. We know what's happened to Detroit.

When you have your local media filling you with false numbers, eventually time will run out and there will be no turning back to fix things. WE are smarter than this. WE can deal with the numbers, face them head on and work as a team to make it better.

Salisbury News has been your alternative to the local Main Stream Media. Do I believe crime is down 42% in Salisbury, come on, seriously. While I am very pleased to hear crime is down, I do not believe crime has dropped 42%. Mind you, there has to be a serious drop in crime for them to come out with these numbers and we should be very proud of our local law enforcement. However, NEVER has there been a time in which we can all say we believe what we're hearing from our local politicians. They simply have a way with words, (like the Daily Times) in which they speak the truth, just not the whole truth. As an example, part 1 crime might be down but not all crime, if you get my drift.

Getting back to the employment numbers, we'll try to get you the real numbers by the end of the day.


  1. Like I said numerous times before, our area's newspapers and TV newscasts mislead its residents with BS brainwashing propaganda.

    We NEED to be informed of the TRUTH, rather than being insulted of our intelligence. WBOC's & WMDT's newscasters are unprofessional actors & actresses, NOT professional newscasters. Tell us the TRUTH!

  2. Your are off just a little bit. The population of Wicomico is 99,190 and a 1% increase DOES equal about 900 new people BUT....that does not mean all 900 are looking for jobs. About 500 of them would be dependent children, some of them would be stay-at-home spouses, some would be retired, etc. If we get 900 new people per year a good estimate would be 250 to 400 people looking for new jobs.

  3. anonymous 12:54, another expert, eh? So YOU figure it's more like almost 1,000 new people, (1%) but yet YOU want to imply a number more like 250. You, (with all due respect) sound exacltly like a typical liberal. The power of suggestion, as usual.

    While I will agree there may be some retired people moving here, I completely disagree with your figures and I disagree there are many families moving here where one person stays at home any more. THAT is almost slim to none.

    The FACT remains, there are more people coming here, less jobs available and your local MSM is lying to you. I have the documents proving there has been a LOSS of jobs for the past 3 years, (12 quarters). We tried telling everyone this back when Rick Pollitt was spittiing out bs numbers a few months ago. The Press simply loves rewriting whatever ANY politician tells you without doing ANY homework.

    The funnies part to me are the fools that actually pay money to get the paper.

  4. Joe, Joe, Joe...cool down. I agree with you about the number of people moving here; 900 or 1,000, it's about the same. But...the average family is about 4 people. Of that four, two are usually children. If they are teenagers they might want a part time job but if they are 3 or 4 years old you can't really count them in the labor pool. My point is that just because 900 people move here you can't claim that 900 people are looking for work.

  5. I said I agree with you on the retirement numbers. I just disagree with your numbers being anywhere near 25%. I doubt there are many families moving here as there isn't anything here besidess the college and prmc to work for that pays anywhere near what it would cost to relocate a FAMILY to the Shore.

    Look, the key point here is that the local media got their numbers wrong. Not just by a little, they missed it in a BIG way.

    We will agree to disagree and I thank you for this debate.

  6. I absolutely believe that Wicomico is not keeping pace with job growth verses population growth. The youth are the ones suffering as each new year a graduating class is producing more unemployed.

    The stats speak volumnes about what is happening locally.

  7. Whether it is approximately 900 or 1000 new residents locating into Wicomico County - bottom line - the annual increase in population is about 1% a year.

    So with each new graduating class - Wicomico is most definitely not creating anywhere near 900 new jobs. For that matter - Wicomico is not generating even half that number.

    I saw the article in The Daily Times to about Wicomico's job improvement. Case-in-point -

    'It just ain't happening'

  8. Its the same BS the president puts out.WBOC is in the tank for democrats also.

  9. 900 new jobs each year. It isn't happening in Wicomico. In fact, I would go so far as to say that Wicomico isn't creating ANY new jobs at all.

    The Obama administration and the rest of their cronies will try and have you believe that 'rains tea in China'

    They will try and tickle your ears until he gets in office then he and Michele will take another taxpayers all expense vacation on the taxpayers dime. I've seen it before by this administration.


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