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Thursday, July 19, 2012


Michelle Obama’s February trip to Aspen with her daughters was described as “low-key  ” at the time, possibly because it was her 16th vacation   in three years, according to reports.
Here is what the Aspen Daily News   related at the time, via USA Today  :
Several people have known about the “low-key” vacation, with the Secret Service in town for the past few days scoping out places for the family to relax and enjoy what the resort has to offer.
Pitkin County Sheriff Joe DiSalvo confirmed that he has met with the Secret Service and has loaned seven deputies to help protect the first lady and her family.


  1. a little factcheck.

    This time during Bush's admin. he had 30 vacations totaling 220 days. We're talking double the amount than Obama has right now. GUess you guys were pretty silent back then though.

  2. moochelle takes another vacation with our tax money. hopefully the dumb asses that voted for these lying,american hating,constitution hating,freedom hating,communists. will wize up and vote these non americans out of office no matter how much they don't like romney.

  3. she's as worthless as her husband.

  4. 6:08
    You failed to mention his vacations were at his ranch or Camp David.

  5. Thank you 734AM. It seems as though 608A is supporting obammmmmmie and all his families vacations to very Expensive places to the tune of thousands of dollars. I am sure Bush's breaks to his ranch and Camp David did not cost anything close to what King Obama and Queen Michelle cost the taxpayers.

  6. SO the President, even if he pays for it himself, is not supposed to go on a vacation?

    The Bush thing is apples and oranges as the Obama's aren't multi millionaires that own a lot of property.

    The secret service cost go with the President.

  7. 7:52
    He is NOT paying for it we are. The Obama's are not multi millionaires? Really? If they cant afford their own vacation why should we pay for it? The country is OUT of money what part of broke don't you understand.

  8. Why would a black woman even want to be around a bunch of rich white women to start with?


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