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Saturday, July 21, 2012

It's Sad When You Almost Have To Beg For Help When It Comes To Animals Who Have No Voice

Date: Fri, Jul 20, 2012 at 8:50 AM
Subject: Susan HELP!!! Humane Society Needs HELP!!!
To: Susan Parker

Dear Susan,

I would appreciate it if you print my letter about the Wicomico County Humane Society. The caring citizens of our County need to be aware of the situation at THE SHELTER.

We went through an UNQUALIFIED Shelter Director (Jen Rose) in 1999 & The Daily Times & The Salisbury News & Advertiser were instrumental in getting the changes made in a timely fashion. If you don't have the newspaper articles from that time, I do & will be glad to scan them or make copies of them for you.

To protect the pets & people we need to get this information to the concerned citizens. I faxed you a copy of my letter & I will hand deliver one to The Daily Times Office.

Publisher's Notes: A letter was sent to the Daily Times the same day we published ours. It seems the Daily Times either wants exclusives or they won't publish it at all.

Mrs. Parker, with all due respect, THIS IS ABOUT THE ANIMALS and NOT about SBYNews vs. The Daily Times. Please reconsider and publish that letter.


  1. Was the letter to the Daily Times signed with a person's name? I noticed none of the correspondence you posted contained a name. The Daily Times does not publish letters to the editor without a signature. A newspaper should investigate both sides before bringing a complaint to the public's attention.

    What steps has Sbynews taken to help the animals since being told by someone of the tragedy going on at the Humane Society? Since the DT has far less readers than Sbynews I do not see how the DT printing the information can be of any help.

    Has other local media sources been contacted?

  2. "What steps has Sbynews taken to help the animals since being told by someone of the tragedy going on at the Humane Society?"

    WE published the letter Ree, or hadn't you noticed. We never publish someone's name unless they insist.

    (I'm not sure what crawled up your rear end Ree, (or whomever you are) but I have done more for animals over the past 8 years than any person you know. Salisbury News got started because of THOUSANDS of animaly dying at the Zoo because of poor care.

    The last person I need a lecture from is someone like you. IF you think you can do better, prove it to every one. Leave it to a liberal to talk smack and do nothing themselves.

  3. I am very sorry to hear of the troubles at the Humane Society. As I no longer get the Daily Times, I don't know what is happening overthere. Please forgive me. It really says something of we humans, when we can have whole departments, government agencies, churches, etc., for children, but we can't care or rally for rights for the pets/animals at the shelters. It breaks my heart. I treat all my pets as my children and what little money I have, I try to save as many as I can afford. There medical bills sometimes are as high as adult medical bills. Thank you for your time. God Bless

  4. How is it possible that Dorchester County can have a no kill shelter, but Wicomico can't? Why can't wicomico county follow the model set up by other small towns? Either way I'm sad for the animals!

  5. Ree (or who ever I am)July 21, 2012 at 6:11 PM

    I am sorry to have gotten you in a twitter. Mu thought when I read your complaint against the DT was why were you on their case again. Since I did read the letter on here I was wondering if SBYNEWS was doing anything to help with the problem at the Humane Society and what could the public do to find if there is a legitimate problem and if you had a suggestions to help the public solve it. I am not leader and possibly could not be much help aince e I no longer drive. i sincerely apologize to you and your viewers.

  6. I would like to know what's going on at the Humane Society ----guess I missed the News. Do repeat as I am most interested in Animal Welfare.

    I do know the guy hired is related, not by blood to one of the Board Directors , which is a Definate conflict of interest there!!!!

    where can I get a copy of the Animal laws in this County????? I've written all the County Council members asking the question with no response what so ever!!! Isn't that public knowledge?????? Any answers where I can obtain a copy ???

    If so , put it out here please!

  7. lets get something straight. PETA defines A "No Kill" shelter is an animal shelter that does not euthanize animals that can be adopted, reserving euthanasia only for animals that are terminally ill or considered dangerous. That came right off of the PETA website. Check it out. Trust me I am sure that Dorchester County still euthanizes for these reasons. Worcester county considers themselves to be no kill too. Have you ever been there? They have animals there. That are so mean you can't even touch them. Yeah it is really humane to keep a animal in a cage with no human contact for the rest of its life. They have so many animals there. They can't take anymore in. Where do you all think the animals are going that the shelter turns away? Wicomico does not turn animals away that come from the county. Its funny to me that maybe they don't want these animals just hanging around outside all over the county. So maybe everyone should visit the shelters and the so called rescues we have here on the Delmarva. Before we pick on the one we have, Because in my opinion we have the cleanest building and the happiest animals.

  8. Between Baywater Animal Rescue Dorchester County AC and Wags and Wishes Rescue only 6 or 7 truly sick or aggressive animals were euthanized last year. There was an article on this blog about it. The statistics put out by Wicomico Humane in their own newsletter are appalling as to the numbers of euthanasias and all the animals they claim are to sick or to dangerous to place can't possibly be true. Go in and pick up a copy. The statistics are there for all to see. I do agree however that Worcester County's No Kill is very sad. They need to spend more time with the animals and work harder to get them into homes. It takes getting out there and working at it with adoption events and many other things. I once new a dog there that lived his entire life there and that was in no way fair. The best answer to the problem is to spay and neuter your animals. Maybe Md should do what Delaware does and charge a $3 surcharge on rabies vaccinations that is then pooled for $20 spay and neuters. Maybe the Humane Society should have a free spay clinic a fee times a year. In other places the HS has vans that go out on the street and do this at no charge. 4million animals are killed in this country every year for lack of a home yet 8 million new animals are sold from puppy mills and pet shops maybe there lies the answer. Don't buy while shelter animals die.

  9. 6.28. You seem upset that people are saying anything about your shelter yet you attack the rescues on Demarva. Those rescues are not publically funded. Place many many animals into loving homes. Work out of there own homes and pockets to do what they do. They don't get a pay check. They do it from their heart and work tirelessly to make as much of a difference as possible. They spay and neuter animals out of their own pockets just to know that it's done. I find it sad that you seem to think rescue is bad and that only shelters should exit. If some of these rescues were given the building that the HS has and the funding the HS is given they would move mountains in this county.

  10. Now there's an idea the county and people of Delmarva need to take under serious consideration! Getting a rescue, which obviously understands what it really takes to help the animals, INSTEAD OF fancy pants "Board of Directors" and people hired to run the place who have never led their lives for the sole purpose of finding homes for the animals, to complete the cycle of life. Not focused on hiding money, secretly killing animals, fightIng with townspeople and causing more turmoil than good.
    Be done with this Wicomico HS and turn over a new leaf. End the farce that hides behind the animals. After all, the poor animals need to be saved, treated with respect and given their dignity and love. Only then will you have a true purpose of helping animals.

  11. to 5:58. I wasn't attacking all the rescues in the area but when I was looking for my dog. I looked at many shelters and went to a so called rescue in Mardela Springs. If this was a rescue then I would hate to see where they came from originally. The dogs were not living in the best conditions. They were living in pens outside that had feces all over the ground. No shade on the top of the cages. 4 or 5 puppies in the same little cage. I just felt sorry for them. I even said something to the humane society about the conditions. I do understand that a lot of the cost does come out of their pocket. But the way these animals were living it looked more like a hording situation to me. That to me is inhumane.


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