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Sunday, July 08, 2012


The cronies have effectively used propaganda and lies to convince Americans that naive and greedy homeowners crashed the global credit markets in 2008.

They blamed the crash and current economic malaise on homeowners who bought too much house.

This couldn’t be further from the truth.

The fact of the matter is that the cronies crashed the global markets when they revealed that there are no mortgages to back the mortgage backed securities. They told Paulsen there was no there there. That’s why he panicked and tossed his cookies.

They could have pulled an Iceland, told the truth, arrested the bad actors and instituted real safeguards to restore the capital markets and consumer confidence.

But they chose to continue the lies and backstop the fraud on the taxpayer’s dime. The cronies covered up their partners’ crimes and orchestrated the bailout.


1 comment:

  1. It's well know that MBS were the root cause of the financial issues, and the foreclosure crisis only deepened those issues. So what did our federal gov't start doing 2 months ago? Selling MBS. So in response to the biggest financial issue in decades, they decide to start doing exactly what got us in the s**thole in the first place. Nothing quite like Obamalogic.


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