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Sunday, July 01, 2012

I Have Two Questions For Now

One, Will the Daily Times do a follow up article on Friday's interview with Bryan Russo? It is news. Actualy, it could be the biggest news piece in Iretons career.

Two, If the Mayor, (as expressed in his interview Friday) forgave ALL of the parties involved in the alleged spoofing incident and the Mayor is well aware that IF what they say happened, did in fact happen, (which I do not believe) WHY was the Mayor satisfied with just an apology call to him and not ME? As many of you will recall, instead, I received a call from Sarah Lake last weekend cursing me out like a drunken sailor.

As your Mayor, I would never accept such an apology unless ALL parties involved had been apologized to. Mayor Ireton continues to make this whole thing out to somehow be my fault, yet I did absolutely nothing. He's angry at me, yet all he had to do was return my phone calls or text messages, he never did.

What I believe to be true is, Jim Ireton is extremely upset because I have an outlet in which I can and will express my thoughts and opinion on this matter and he no longer has control of the rest of the media.

As your Mayor, I would have NEVER entertained a single press conference OR interview. In my opinion the entire thing was staged from the beginning and it backfired.

There have been many comments rejected making suggestions I just drop it and move on. Your not seeing those comments because this is exactly what Ireton's camp is good at, the power of suggestion. No Jim, people aren't tired of the facts and truth. They have every right to stay away from Salisbury News, yet we've seen a record week. Those suggestive comments will never see the light of day. Funny how I've never received an e-mail from one of our readers complaining their comment didn't go up.

In closing I have one statement I hope the Mayor thinks hard about.

If I'm such the homophobe the Mayor labels me to be, why have I never been afraid to publicly express my friendship with Jim Ireton? Why did we show support and endorse Jim Ireton for Mayor knowing Jim was openly gay? Why did we help get him elected?

Your credibility continues to disappear Jim Ireton because people are sick and tired of politicians who just flat out lie because they can't win on their record alone.


The Only Victim


  1. I didn't know he was gay!!
    No wonder he acts the way he does.
    My goodness , what a mess Salisbury has on it's hands.
    Of course ,it's like the rest of the nation.

  2. Ireton is using his being gay as a tool against you. Its all backfiring on him.

  3. I don't care that Jim is gay, it's his bahavior and record as mayor that I don't approve.

    Jim willingly helped distribute campaign material for Campbell, Cohen and Spies to help get them elected, vice versa, now the council majority he, himself wanted and supported are on his hit list?

    That's not a true friend if his reasoning is only because they do not support absolutely every little wim and want of the mayor.

    Nobody ever said we wanted to vote for rubber stamps, that is what we have worked so hard for so many years to remove from city government.

    Further, many of the promises Jim made haven't even had attempts to make happen. If anything he has tried to continue the Tighlman path of burn bridges and martch onto the sea. I think we've had enough scortched earth policies.

    Joe has actually done more with this blog, helping get rid of Rapp, Jacobs, Dunn, Comegys, Tighlman, Cathcart, Smith, Wilbur than Jim has done since his election promises 3 years ago.

    The show is almost over Mr. Ireton, and there will be no curtain call for your encore.

  4. You shouldn't stop there Joe. His verbal attack against you in the radio interview was filled with lies.

    Fernando is a good friend of yours. I'm sure if you had any problem with black people he would not have anything to do with you. Terry Cohen is Jewish and she's your friend. I have never seen you disrespectful towards women. As I recall, I have seen you on pac14 critisizing mayor Ireton for attacking women on the council.

    This is a man who loves other men. You are a man who loves other women. How in the world can this guy state you don't like women. Is he even qualified to judge you.

    I hope you get elected.

  5. BAM! Great article Joe. You do stand up to city hall and don't take their crap. Ireton is reacting because he knows you have him beat. Just keep up the good work and the voters will reward you with their votes.

  6. The racist, homophobic, anti woman, etc rambling by Ireton were over the top.
    Never once on this blog have I seen Joe post nor comment anything to substantiate Ireton's claims.

  7. Maybe Ireton calls you homophobic because of the gay bashing comments that are sent in by readers.

  8. anonymous 12:16, Can you or anyone else show one shred of evidence that I have made any such statements. Its very easy for people to just say something but its another to PROVE Joe Albero has ever done anything of the sort.

    I never held a position saying Jim couldn't be my friend because he's gay. In fact, I've proven just the opposite.

    Jim is just upset because I do not support gay marriage. Just like Obama being black, IF we disagree with anything Obama says, we're considered racists. Get my drift now?

  9. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Maybe Ireton calls you homophobic because of the gay bashing comments that are sent in by readers.

    July 1, 2012 12:16 PM

    Who cares!! That doesn't mean Joe is a Homophobe. Doesn't even mean gay bashing is homophobic.

    Being gay and liking other men is immoral. Get over yourself!!

  10. The Daily Times should publicly apologize to you. Bassett will never be trusted again if the newspaper doesn't apologize. I usually get a Sunday paper every week but this week I stopped buying it.

  11. Joe Albero is my hero for taking down Joe Carmean. He was a hateful man who twisted words from reporters and harmed a lot of good people.

    As for the radio interview. Jim Ireton stated people don't want to run for political office because of people like Joe. Jim, people don't want to run for political office because of the Daily Times. They are the ones who have openly attacked women.

  12. Just like Shanie plays the race card, Ireton uses the gay card.

    They are both losers, and so is Mitchell.

  13. Ireton applied comments to this blog as the opinion of Joe. Quite a leap and downright deceptive.
    Beware of one who can roll off their tongues deception so easily.

  14. Anonymous said...
    I didn't know he was gay!!

    Stop It! :)

  15. I wonder how many backdoor meeting have occurred since this story broke.

  16. So what he is gay. That is not the problem here it is his lack of leadership and control of his actions that make him suck. I am Beautiful but I don't blame that on my short comings.

  17. Sorry Jim you are know by the company you keep. And you called this people that "so called" spoofed you your friends. Guilty By Association.

  18. Don't your Momma lov ya Jim.

  19. Ireton and Mitchell are both Trolls

  20. "Your credibility continues to disappear Jim Ireton because people are sick and tired of politicians who just flat out lie because they can't win on their record alone."

    Very well said Joe. He didn't give any facts in his interview. All he did was call you names. Not very mature if you ask me.

  21. BUMP!!

    Move to the top!

  22. Anonymous said...
    Joe Albero is my hero for taking down Joe Carmean. He was a hateful man who twisted words from reporters and harmed a lot of good people.

    As for the radio interview. Jim Ireton stated people don't want to run for political office because of people like Joe. Jim, people don't want to run for political office because of the Daily Times. They are the ones who have openly attacked women.

    July 1, 2012 12:40 PM

    People don't want to run for office because people like Jim Liarton give good politicians a bad name.

  23. You are one hot homophobe! ;)

  24. All Ireton had to do was call you back. He didn't because he did it and thought he could cover it up. We'll watch Ireton go down just like the rest of the targets Joe went after over the years. Goodnight Ireton.

  25. Its pretty clear to me. The mayor not only screwed up with the call, he screwed up big time in that interview. The only thing Joe did was tell the news. It turns out Joe was way on top of this story before anyone else and when it was investigated it turns out it was the biggest story of a decade. Joe should get an award for the story.

  26. OUCH! That has to hurt Jim. You did endorse Jim and he did win. The other blogger endorsed Comegys and so did the paper.

  27. Anonymous said...
    Anonymous said...
    I didn't know he was gay!!

    Stop It! :)

    July 1, 2012 1:52 PM

    Totally LOL

  28. So this story out of all that Salisbury News has done gets a response from Jim and Greg.

    So I am thinking (and it hurts LOL) Joe you a lot of things about "Certain People", lets see who else you can get to respond.

    Flush the Bad seeds out so we can see them for who they truly are.

    Well that's what I was thinking.

  29. I'm gay and support joe as our next mayor. I don't agree with his stand on gay marriage but think he would be a great mayor. I don't really care what anyone thinks of gay this or that. I'm comfortable enough in my skin and believe we all have a right to our opinions. Joe is an honest decent man who certainly doesn't need the headaches that will come with the position. He wants to improve things for all of us, even his non-supporters. Jimbo may be gay but that doesn't get my vote. I could care less really. You go joe!!

  30. It's not about being gay, it's about how they treat people and leadership.

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  32. Being gay has absolutely nothign to do with it, never has until Ireton brought it up. He is a horrible mayor and now he is looking for an outlet. Jim go back home.


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