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Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Global Warming?

A Koch bother-funded climate change skeptic suddenly reversed course – and now proclaims that humans are "entirely the cause" of global climate change. Three years ago, physicist Richard Muller was given $150,000 from the Koch brothers to co-found the Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature Project to debunk climate change arguments. But on Sunday, after three years of intense research, Muller is biting the hand that feeds him by promoting genuine science and ringing the alarm bell that climate change is happening and humans are to blame. As Muller wrote on Sunday in the New York Times, "My total turnaround, in such a short time, is the result of careful and objective analysis... it appears likely that essentially all of this increase [in temperatures] results from the human emission of greenhouse gases." When even Koch-funded scientists are coming out and saying that man-made climate change is happening, then guess what – it's happening! From unprecedented ice melting in Greenland – to unprecedented heat waves and droughts in America – to sudden die-offs of reefs and phytoplankton in the oceans – the world is changing rapidly. And eventually billionaires will no longer be able to buy off scientists to deny the reality of the damage their oil, coal, and natural gas industries are doing to our planet.


  1. Ooh dem evil Koch Brothers!!! They are the cause of all things baaaad right liberal sheeple! Do you happen to know how many billionaires back the progressive Obama machine? Global Warming is a means to impose another tax on us you liberal imbecile.

  2. another nut case emerges. ignore him, maybe he'll go away...

  3. Just more silliness from goofball Thom Hartmann over at we-never-let-the-truth-out.org. Nothing to see here, just move along.

  4. And yet another idiot is placed on the stage to prattle on with the Libberish! (I love my new word!)

    Cue the music, Maestro!

  5. Who the heck is posting this trash?
    The fact is that Richard Muller has been lambasted by both sides for his sudden flip that was more designed to gain attention for him and his dive into obscurity.
    His so called reason are nothing more than hyperbole and rhetoric.
    Look him up on climate depot or watts up with that

  6. P.S.
    Adding to the last post:
    You forgot to mention the research paper that Anthony Watts et al just released concluding that NOAA has been overstating temperature records for many years to support the notion of global warming.
    You lefties should actually read the science and not just rely of the left wing rags like the NY times to tell you what to think.

  7. stop breathing Americans so it will cool down

  8. Humans are the cause of global warming.

    Just observe all the pollution coming from airplanes these days. They never used to pollute this badly. Now they use a less processed (cheaper) jet fuel which leaves massive amounts of pollution in the air.

  9. Um... 9:22... That's not "smoke" you see behind airplanes.. Contrails are water vapor.

  10. 10:22
    Wrong! Contrails evaporate after a few seconds. Contrails are water vapor - as you pointed out.

    Water vapor does not linger all day, expand into massive expanses of material, and block out the blue sky.

    This pollution fluffs out and covers the entire sky creating a wispy haze.

    Try again pal.

    What else do you care to repeat from the MSM?

  11. you mean to tell me you guys haven't heard that the Main Cause of Global Warming / Climate Change is Cattle Flatulance. This is according to our government. look it up because this is for real. again; our tax dollars hard at work. oh, and this way they can cut down on the cattle so we have to stop eating so much red meat. libs strike once again.

  12. Adding to the last post:
    You forgot to mention the research paper that Anthony Watts et al just released concluding that NOAA has been overstating temperature records for many years to support the notion of global warming.
    You lefties should actually read the science and not just rely of the left wing rags like the NY times to tell you what to think.

    July 31, 2012 6:10 PM

    I think you got that backwards. Read your science again.


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