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Saturday, July 07, 2012

George Zimmerman leaves Fla. jail on $1M bond

Former neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman was released from jail Friday for a second time while he awaits his second-degree murder trial for fatally shooting Trayvon Martin.

Zimmerman left the Seminole County Jail a day after Circuit Judge Kenneth Lester granted a $1 million bail with strict conditions. He wore a white shirt and dress jacket as he walked out and got into an SUV, ignoring shouted questions from nearby reporters.

The judge is requiring Zimmerman to stay in Seminole County. He was allowed to leave Florida after his first release in April. Now he must be electronically monitored, can't open a bank account, obtain a passport or set foot on the grounds of the local airport. He has a 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. curfew.



  1. Very good , they have feed an innocent man who saved his neighborhood from a drug dealing criminal . Just an opinion folks!

  2. Murders and convicted rapist and drug dealers walking the streets with less restrictions and since the media and politicians got involved Zimmerman is subject to all of these extra restrictions.

  3. Maybe he should shoot the judge and states attorney.
    THAT would be proper and allowable under the stand your ground law.
    This is a kangaroo court in action.
    Misuse of public funds, deliberate smearing to destroy this upstanding citizen in the public eye.
    What a joke.

  4. I hope someone fly's him to another country that doesn't extradite because even though there is no evidence against him they will find him guilty thanks to the racist media.

  5. I feel sorry for George Zimmerman. He was only protecting the neighborhood he lived in against a thug by the name of Trayvon Martin. If it would have been anyone else, we would have never heard about this.

  6. Strange man following him he probably thought he was going to get raped. What would you want your kid to do?

  7. 1:56... Keep drinking the kool-aid. YOU people are what's wrong with this country. What is a "Neighborhood Watch" for??

  8. Strange man following him he probably thought he was going to get raped. What would you want your kid to do?

    July 7, 2012 1:56 PM

    What?! lol

  9. As far as I am concerned, George Zimmerman is a political prisoner.

    Instead of getting a good citizenship award, he becomes the whipping post for black racism.

    If Trevon was white and Zimmerman was black, there would not even be an issue!

  10. Zimmerman deserves his bond after lying about funds and trying to get a second passport when he was released last time. As for his actions, he acted as an officer of the law, which he is not. Martin had no weapon and was not breaking in anyone's home so he posed no threat. Zimmerman was even told to stop following him, if he was following me and I felt threatened I might turn around and confront him as well. Martin may have fought for his life, but one had a gun and the other did not. Guess who won?

  11. 156-If the kid thought he was going to get raped, why would he then suprise Zimm? Maybe the kid wanted it lol From the eye witness report, Martin had "mounted" him lol

  12. I though a bond is issued in relation to the crime committed and the risk of flight. Not how much money one has.

    If Z wanted to abscond, he had plenty of oppurtunity in the time that has passed.

    It doesn't matter if he was followed or not. If he felt scared or threatened by someone following him, he should have called the police and/or gotten away from the one following him.

    He chose to be a bad-ass and assault Z instead. He may or may not have deserved what he got but, he is partly responsible for this as well as Z.

    Someone simply following someone else is not a crime.

    Mistakes made all around.

  13. Wow people have a lot of opinions about something they know absolutely NOTHING about.

    Hey even I have my theory. Doesn't mean I am right. All I know is that a young boy was killed for no reason.

  14. Anonymous said...

    156-If the kid thought he was going to get raped, why would he then suprise Zimm? Maybe the kid wanted it lol From the eye witness report, Martin had "mounted" him lol

    July 7, 2012 4:55 PM

    This is the funniest response yet!!

  15. Wow people have a lot of opinions about something they know absolutely NOTHING about.

    Hey even I have my theory. Doesn't mean I am right. All I know is that a young boy was killed for no reason.

    July 7, 2012 7:50 PM

    How do you know it was for no reason? What, pray tell is your 'theory'? Why you put others down and send in a comment just as dim as others you condemn?

  16. I believe Martin was a thug and unfortunately got killed trying to be one. Zimmerman was trying to help his neigborhood get rid of thugs and shot in self defense. End of story. Except the RACIST BLACKS got people to force a trial. Never do you see them get upset about all of the black on black crime, or black on white crime. They don't want to admit the first because it makes them look bad. And they are too RACIST to care about the second. period.


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