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Thursday, July 19, 2012

Fox News poll: Voters Pick Condi Rice as Romney Running Mate

Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is the top choice as Mitt Romney’s vice presidential running mate among both American voters overall as well as among Republicans.  
Thirty percent of voters would like to see Rice on the ticket with Romney, according to a Fox News poll released Wednesday.  
She receives the same level of support among Republicans -- 30 percent select her as their top choice for Romney’s running mate. 


  1. Ellecent Choice.

  2. Not! One world government idealist just like George Bush and the rest of the so called moderate republicans.

  3. I have no idea what her platform is or her agenda. Is this just because she's a woman? And black? Probably. The label sells the garment these days...

    How about getting a VP that's already stated love of country, has made a stand, and acually wants the job? Oh, no, thay would mean we'd have to pick Ron Paul! HAAARUMPH!

  4. 417 agrees with you as well, 435. Marco is a good choice from a "political" game choice. I just think Ron and his Constitutionalism is very important right now, and don't know where Rubio stands on that.

  5. Rice?

    You just lost the election.

  6. Ellecent Choice.

    July 19, 2012 3:08 PM

    You must be the same guy on BSA thread.

  7. I wish Colin Powell would consider it


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