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Thursday, July 19, 2012

Fox News poll: Nearly Two-Thirds of Voters Say Government is the Problem

By nearly three-to-one, American voters see government as the problem as opposed to the solution in today’s economy.  Meanwhile, a majority believes President Obama’s policies are expanding the government.  
A Fox News poll released Wednesday shows that 55 percent of voters believe Obama’s policies are making the government “bigger and more expensive.”  That’s more than five times as many as say “smaller and less expensive” (10 percent).  Another 28 percent say Obama’s policies haven’t changed the size of government.


  1. That same Fox poll showed Obama leading Romney nationwide by a few points, but strangely, that information appears nowhere in their story. You have to read the poll results in the link buried in the story to find that out.

    Biased, much, Fox News?

  2. Fox likes to take these polls to see how well their propaganda is working.

  3. You have to read the poll results in the link buried in the story to find that out.

    Biased, much, Fox News?

    July 19, 2012 11:47 AM

    How is that biased?

    Fox likes to take these polls to see how well their propaganda is working.

    July 19, 2012 1:08 PM

    Propaganda? lmao

  4. You two on a crusade against Fox news or something?

    If you don't like them, don't watch them.

    If you think you can prove them wrong about something, then do that.

    Otherwise you two are just spreading biased propaganda yourselves.


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