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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Fox News: Obama Has Declared 'War On Success'

Fox's cable news hosts are up-in-arms over President Barack Obama's recent comment that business owners are not solely responsible for their own success, joining a chorus of Republicans who say the remarks prove Obama is unfit to lead the economic recovery.

Of course, the President's remarks, made at a campaign stop in Virginia last week, are slightly more nuanced:

"If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help — there was a great teacher in your life, somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive," Obama said, "If you got a business, you didn't build that — somebody else made that happen."

Fox networks have interpreted the comments as vindication of the conservative characterization of Obama as a Big Government ideologue. On Fox Business yesterday, host Stu Varney ran the clip of Obama's remark several times over the banner headline "War On Success," before expressing his outrage over Obama's comments:

"I don't understand why the President should do this," Varney said. "Why does he go after capitalism, private enterprise, small businesses? It was almost an insult to say that 'You've got a small business, you've been successful — you didn't do it, you had to have help from us, the government.'"

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  1. It took these comments to say he is unfit....really?

  2. Its sad that half the citizens voting for Obama just go along what he says.Where do they think his campaign money comes from,the poor?No it comes from the rich successful businesspeople.


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