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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Federal Court Rules Wisconsin Schools' Graduations in Church Were Unconstitutional

A federal appeals court ruled Monday that two Wisconsin high schools violated the U.S. Constitution by holding graduations in a church -- among the most recent decisions in a long-running debate about the separation of church and state.

A three-judge panel from the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in September the schools did nothing wrong by hold graduation in Elmbrook Church, in the southeastern part of the state.

However, the full 7th Circuit reversed the panel, ruling Monday the ceremonies were unconstitutional and noting students were exposed to religious messages in the form of a giant cross that hung over the church's sanctuary and religious pamphlets on middle school and high school ministries and hymnals in the pews.



  1. HMMMM... nothing in this story about how congress tried to make a law... after all, I've read the Constitution and can understand it. Why can't the 7th circuit court? Oh, that's right, they don't work for we, the people!

  2. probably would have been ok to hold the ceremony in a gay ber though..


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