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Saturday, July 07, 2012

Farm Parody of 'Sexy and I Know It' Goes Viral

Kansas State University student Greg Peterson and some friends were unwinding at a drive-in restaurant when LMFAO's song "Sexy and I Know It" came on the radio. He groaned.

But as the chorus droned on, the 21-year-old found inspiration. He switched "sexy" to "farming" as he began rapping. Then he started coming up with lyrics. It would be fun, he thought, to do a video parody with his brothers when he returned home to the family farm in central Kansas.

Peterson said the brothers aimed the video at their city friends on Facebook because they "hardly knew anything about the farm." They ended up educating the world. "I'm Farming and I Grow It" video has become an Internet sensation with more than 3.2 million views since it was posted June 25 on YouTube.



  1. That is a great vid.

  2. Saw these guys on Fox News. They are real down to earth farm boys. I wish more of our youth were like them.

  3. so lets dump a lot of money to them so they can get out of farming and this was all a (show) for 15 minutes of fame. This was stupid and I know it!


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