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Saturday, July 07, 2012

Farah: 'Spy Drone' Buzzed my Home

His private property was scouted by a drone that sounded “like a lawnmower buzzing over my head,” WND Editor and CEO Joseph Farah revealed on the July 5 Alex Jones Show.

“I’m taking my dog for a walk and guess what I see right over the tree line right above my head is a drone,” he said. “I don’t live in the city, I don’t live in a populated area, I live in one of the most rural places you could possibly live in Northern Virginia and there could only be one thing that this drone was spying on and that would be me, that would be my property because there’s just nothing else around except woods and deer.”

Farah joked that the drone might have been spying on him because he qualifies as a “terrorist” in a new Department of Homeland Security report that defines “extreme right-wing” terrorists as Americans who are “reverent of individual liberty.”



  1. farah of "wnd" won't be the only one. this is only the beginning if bo is re-elected. privacy, liberty, freedom and much more will be history...

  2. I wonder how many will be shot down by homeowners?

  3. it x-rays everything, even underground, maps it and list it in priority.........

  4. Time to start practicing your trap shooting skills!

    Shoot them drones down!!

  5. In case one flies over my home, where is the best place to aim.

  6. 5:18. good point. Don't be surprised by this folks. If you want it stopped you have to stop it at the polls.

    Otherwise I suspect that a well armed citizenry in the next dozen years or so will stop it once and for all.

    Vote for limited government, free market supporting candidates. And vote them OUT if you learn they lied.

  7. I sent Joe a pic of the "mosquito" drone with a hypodermic needle on it.
    The assassin drone.
    Probably what Obama got Breitbart with.

  8. Don't underestimate their technology. This govt is capable of recording every detail of our lives. We are being watched. Exactly like the book 1984.

  9. Rural northern virginia? Hell of a hyperbole there!

  10. The trouble of shooting one down is you'll have to be one hell of a shot because most of them are flying at 2 or more miles high! Truth is I say shoot em all down if you can!

  11. They control the polls now if you want change it will have to be messy.

  12. 7:01
    Your best chance of downing a drone invading your airspace is shooting
    as much lead in the air at once directed at the propulsion system, which may be effective out to 50 or 60 yards. Beyond that, say a half a mile or so? forget it. You'd have to have a very magic bullet.
    I don't know ANY amateur or professional shooting enthusiasts that could pull off a kill on a fast moving target a half mile away. You would have to "lead" it by several hundred yards. Impossible shot.
    Two words for you.
    Electronic countermeasures.
    Put your gun away and buy the appropriate transmitter to interfere with the signal.

  13. That was'nt a drone.Mass hysteria has set in.Now everyone is going to think they saw a drone.The loudness gives them away.Drones are not dead quiet,but if you don't see it first chances are you won't hear it.


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