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Saturday, July 21, 2012

‘Discriminates Against a Population’: Boston Mayor Vows to Block Chick-fil-A From City

The mayor of Boston is vowing to block Chick-fil-A from opening a restaurant near the city’s “Freedom Trail” because of the company’s stance on gay marriage.

Chick-fil-A doesn’t belong in Boston. You can’t have a business in the city of Boston that discriminates against a population. We’re an open city, we’re a city that’s at the forefront of inclusion,” Mayor Thomas M. Menino told the Boston Herald Thursday.

“That’s the Freedom Trail. That’s where it all started right here. And we’re not going to have a company, Chick-fil-A or whatever the hell the name is, on our Freedom Trail,” he added.



  1. sounds to me like the mayor of boston is discriminating!

  2. What started in Boston? Freedom? America? Of course not.

    I am glad people up there think they are better than the rest of us. It tends to keep them there and the rest of us don't have to be around them.

    Go walk your 'trail' and take along an accurate history book you can read.

  3. If I were Chick-fil-A I'd tell Boston to shove it. I guess in Boston, chicken breasts don't have any nipples either.

  4. Can we relocate Rehoboth to Boston?
    They can have all the raw beef they want.
    I'll stick with Chikin'...

  5. Once again liberals believe in freedom of speech as long as you believe in what THEY say. The mayor should be thrown out ASAP for racism himself for being a hetero- phobe.

  6. Sounds like they need a new mayor. Election day must be near. I guess they don't need the jobs and taxes a new business would generate.
    From this statement I understand that an "open city" is one where social deviants are welcomed.

  7. Did I miss a statement from Chick-Fil-A that they wouldn't served homosexuals? People are free not to purchase from Chick-Fil-A and they in turn are free to hold an opinion.

  8. Isn't this a form of black mail?

  9. Rev. James P. BaileyJuly 21, 2012 at 11:22 PM

    I am proud of Chick fil-A. Thank you for having a Christian base and closing on Sundays. God bless them.

  10. I agree with 10:29-Chick Fil A never said they wouldn't serve gays. He just said they believe in the biblical principles/definitions of marriage. But once again, this is the liberal left twisting and spinning words to suit their leftist agenda. Free speech is only valid to the left if it agrees with their agenda. If not, it's hate speech or whatever other crap you want to call it. True civil rights for anyone on the "right" are eroding and most people won't realize it until it's too late.

  11. This is the same mayor, who blocked a business from opening since a close friend had a similar store that would've lost market share. Class act my butt.


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