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Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Did Justice Roberts Pull One Over On The Liberals?

To all my friends, particularly those conservatives who are despondent over the searing betrayal by Chief Justice John Roberts and the pending demise of our beloved country, I offer this perspective to convey some profound hope and evidence of the Almighty’s hand in the affairs of men in relation to the Supreme Court’s decision on Obamacare.

I initially thought we had cause for despondency when I only heard the results of the decision and not the reason or the make-up of the sides. I have now read a large portion of the decision and I believe that it was precisely the result that Scalia, Alito, Thomas, Roberts and even Kennedy wanted and not a defeat for conservatism or the rule of law. I believe the conservatives on the court have run circles around the liberals and demonstrated that the libs are patently unqualified to be on the Supreme Court. Let me explain.

First let me assure you that John Roberts is a conservative and he is not dumb, mentally unstable, diabolical, a turncoat, a Souter or even just trying to be too nice. He is a genius along with the members of the Court in the dissent. The more of the decision I read the more remarkable it became. It is not obvious and it requires a passable understanding of Constitutional law but if it is explained anyone can see the beauty of it.

The decision was going to be a 5–4 decision no matter what, so the allegation that the decision was a partisan political decision was going to be made by the losing side and their supporters. If the bill was struck down completely with Roberts on the other side there would have been a national and media backlash against conservatives and probably strong motivation for Obama supporters to come out and vote in November. With today’s decision that dynamic is reversed and there is a groundswell of support for Romney and Republicans, even for people who were formerly lukewarm toward Romney before today, additionally Romney raised more than 4 million dollars today.



  1. Great piece. It actually does make sense.

  2. Why is this a conservative vs. liberal thing? Shouldn't we all be happy that the checks and balances of the 3 gov. branches worked properly to ensure the enactment of a law does not run counter to the constitution? Seems we all won in this case but I guess that doesn't make for good political theater.

  3. Now we know why the Administration is resisting the TAX word.

  4. I think Roberts may have played his hand very well. It doesn't make sense that he essentially re wrote the argument and handed the government a win. The man has a record of being too smart for that...Also, he may have set the stage for a SCOTUS case in the future to set limits on Congress' ability to tax at will. Let's all hope and pray this is the case.

  5. always great to know that advancing their own agenda through political games takes priority over the American people as a whole.


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