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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Could Not Believe My Eyes

Every day I do my little Freekibble trivia thing, and today the part on cats had a little story about a rescue transport program similar to Pilots N Paws called "On Wings of Care" -- www.onwingsofcare.org which is primarily out of northern CA (the founder, a woman pilot, has homes there and in New Orleans). I enjoy reading about that sort of thing and so I was on their site poking around and I clicked on one of the tabs -- can't remember the name but it was obvious it was about how you could look into flying with them -- and I clicked on that. As I was reading along and it was giving the stats on the animals they had flown in the past year (this was for 2011), you could have knocked me over with a feather when I read they had flown 17 dogs INTO WICOMICO COUNTY for adoption!!! What on earth is the deal there when they're killing animals by the dozens every week but they're flying them in from other states for adoptions?

You know I'm always glad when an animal finds a forever home, but I had to pick my chin up off the floor after reading that.

Check it out for yourself.


  1. Depends on the breed. Higher quality pure breeds are desired from speciality rescues. They are not free. Some of those adoption fees are $300-$500 or more.

  2. My daughter-in-law had an apricot toy poodle flown in for $822.

  3. You all are missing the point. Wicomico County Humane is partially funded by the city and county to care for the county animals. Most of the county animals are KILLED at this so called shelter yet they are bringing dogs in from other places. This is crazy. Here are their own statistics from Jan 1st to March 31st of this year.
    Incoming Animals
    Owner Surrenders 150
    Outgoing Animals
    Adopted 130
    Transferred (which I don't believe) 74
    Reclaimed 38
    Medical Reasons 93
    Behavioral Reasons 90
    Feral (wild) 70
    I know that most of this is garbage but they are killing most of the animals that come in there and these statistics are directly from them as stated in their newsletter. Add it all up for yourselves. Even there own stats don't add up. I guess they don't know how to add and subtract and if they think these stats make them look good that's a joke. Dorchester County one of the poorest counties on the shore has become a NO KILL community. Something is very wrong at our HS.

  4. No kill sounds wonderful, but what does a no kill shelter do with violent dogs and feral cats? Certainly they can't be adopted out and I'm not sure there would be funding or space to keep every animal with problems that make it unadoptable.

  5. No Kill means that only extremely sick animals that can't be treated are euthanized. Things such as ringworm or mange are very treatable yet the dogs and cats are killed for such things. Extremely aggressive or wild animals can be euthanized but in this county know there can't possibly be as many aggressive animals as the statistics from our shelter. It means that all placeable animals are found homes. This means networking with rescues and other no kill shelters. If the people there cared they would have started doing this long ago. Again it seems the point to this letter is that they are importing dogs from other places while killing the county and city animals. How is this right in any way.

  6. Why does the government (tax paying citizens) have to pay for other peoples mistakes. Are we to house and feed all of these animals for eternity. It is not the responsiblity of the government to care for stray,dangerous,sick animals. When the cops are called to the scene of a accident with a dog/dear/car or even a bald eagle do they not just shoot it. The answer is yes. Some times the eagles or desired type of species will get a response from welfare rescue organizations, but the last eagle I called about, they said it would be two hours before they got here (sby) from Delaware so the bird was put down. Not even DNR would help.

  7. The government DOES not pay for most of the animal care in shelters. People work very hard to keep donations coming in to do this. Homeless animals in this country are at the highest levels ever and are caused by everyone that turns an animal into a shelter. Has ever had a litter of pups. Has ever purchased a pet from a pet shop which perpetuates puppy mills. Tell me how the HS bringing dogs in from other states and killing the county animals is in anyway helping things at all.


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