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Saturday, July 14, 2012

Congress Wants National Guard Out Of NASCAR

National Guard members are telling Congress: Don't put the breaks on our sponsorship of race cars. Lawmakers are considering doing just that in efforts to save the Pentagon money. But the National Guard Association said recruiting was not what it used to be. Only one in four young people was eligible to join. Television ads don't have as big an impact as before. The association said that was why the Guard was using motorsports and musicians to spread the word. The National Guard sponsors NASCAR's most popular driver, Dale Earnhardt Jr. The Army and Air Force also tattoo their brands on race cars.


  1. This is discrimination against white people.

  2. 3:31 made me laugh out loud.

    I think recruiters need to realize that the problem is not an easy one to address - not easy enough for a sponsorship in NASCAR to fix. The problem is society. Patriotism is on the decline. Young people do not see the benefit in serving our country. The media defames our military and parents aren't raising their children to have pride in the USA like they used to. That's why recruitment is down.


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