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Friday, July 27, 2012

Chick-fil-A So Packed They're Parking In Kohl's Parking Lots

Pictures Don't Lie!

Don't even think of challenging me on this one because I can tell you first hand they have been packed all week long. GOOD FOR THEM.


  1. Good I hope everybody shows support for them.

  2. I will go out of my way to support them more from now on. Thank God for Christian business men standing up to the leftist media. Maybe this can be the start of a bigger movement to fight back.

  3. Dito with Ocean City branch, packed to the brim!

  4. Just wait til same sex marriage comes to a vote. It will be shot down so hard in Maryland it isn't funny. The liberal politicians are jamming it down our throats like its acceptable and it is not. Ireton will learn the same in this election.

  5. Guess we dont have to worry about running into Ireton there huh?

  6. Chick-fil-a is now a safe haven and gay free!

    Skip to my Lou.

  7. Lets hope that everyone that is supporting them remembers that Obama supports the Quears, and we all need to vote him out!

  8. I am in agreement with 1:17PM.More than the issue itself I am insulted by the way the government is trying to impose their will on the citizens without their voice being heard.I will not stand for that, and I will use my vote to voice my opinion.

  9. I was going to grab something when I went by there at about 1:45 and the drive-thru was all the way around the building. They will still parking in Kohls parking lot and also Wawas parking lot. I will go back another day the place was packed.

  10. Its funny, all of you bigots in this thread. Standing on the wrong side of history, just as you did during the civil rights movement.

    Keep your christian values to yourself. Let people think for themselves. Why is that so hard?

    Marriage is not a christian value nor a christian word. Get over it.

    Marriage is a bond between two people in love.

    Also, divorce is a sin but christians do it all the time.

    Now that Ive said that, I will also say that it is good for chic fila. Am I upset with their view on gay marriage? Absolutely. But, it is their right to say what they want.

  11. Do you think it has anything to do with 300 softball teams in town and every room booked in the county. I too was there for lunch and saw several softball families.
    In fact I would guess all restaurants in town have seen a surge.

  12. They are packed if you go there at 3;30 pm or 4pm or any other time. Servie is friendly food is ,,well as good as can be expected ,,waffle fries are great,, place is clean.. whats the problem

  13. 2:17 I drove past Burger King and Wendy's on my wall to the mall. Neither were this packed.

  14. @2:16. You are clueless. Grow up and stop feeding the frenzy.

  15. If you are going to be a foaming at the mouth homophobe,at least make the effort to spell correctly.It's "queer" not "Quears".For the record I support Chikfila, but I think some of you anti-gay people are idiots.Maybe YOU should not be breeeding and marrying."Quears"....

  16. 2:16
    Yes divorce is a sin so are many other things. The difference is if you repent and STOP doing the sin. We all sin hence we all die. Marriage has long been defined in the bible as one man and one woman. Find another word that you want to use for your sin.

  17. To the misguided poster at 2:16 - I was a big supporter of the civil rights movement in the 60's. I don't care if gays get married. I've never been to Chick-fil-A but starting 8/1 I'm going to make it a point to eat there as often as possible. Why? Because of the backlash by far-left anti-Americans like the mayors of Boston and Chicago, who only believe in freedom of speech when it is exercised by the far-left.

  18. For heavens sakes folks get a grip! I don't tell you who to vote for, where to eat, or how big a soda you can buy! It is our right as citizens of the USA to be allowed to think the way we choose! If you want to protest Chick Fil A and others thats your right but I don't care where Chick Fil A donates to, I would rather it be Planned Parenthood of Wounded Warriors but it is THEIR CHOICE THEIR FREE WILL TO DONATE TO WHOEVER THEY WANT TO. It's such a redneck way of thinking, this is 2012 or have you had your head in the dark years for so long you can't see the way to make this truly a better world! OMG get a grip.

  19. I think that as a religious institution marriage should be man/woman. As a legal one it should be person/person. There isn't any room for the bible in the law. Or else we would be stoning everyone who commits adultery. I do have to wonder who spreads more hate, the people who wont eat chicken or the people calling the other people queers. Where does it start stop? Both sides are quick to call the other out. Good for Chick-Fil-A. I may not agree with them but i respect the fact that they have as much a right to free speech as i do.

  20. I don't care about their stance on issues. The food is great and the service is the best of any fast food place by far.

  21. I forgot to ad I have great respect for Joe Albero and I am pleased with his local information. I read the Daily Times then his blog every day I don't always agree with all the articles however it is my right to choose to have my opinion just like Chick Fil I've heard people put Joe down, but wait HE IS bringing transparency to Salisbury politics. A I don't live in Salisbury but I am donating to his election fund. See you can think more than one way!

  22. When I hear all the homophobics here i see a lot of people who are in denial about themselves. if they were comfortable with their own sexuality they wouldn't be so scared.

  23. 3:12
    WRONG. If the gays were so secure in their life they wouldn't care what other people have to say about them nor would they think they have to prove that what they are doing is right.

  24. 2:16 Why don't get off your computer and run over to Chick-fil-A and spend of your food stamp money. That would help spur Obama's economy. It's ok. they don't sell fruitcakes there so you are safe. .

  25. i'd no way patronize any business supporting gays.
    but, at the same time said businesses have every right to open and operate , if possible, as i think a large number of people would do as i and no visit their establishments because people don't want gay issues being forced on them
    by the gay establishment.

    each to his own. i've no problem where anyone with any belief opens a business. but i won't patronize a business in favor of same sex partnerships or marriage.
    and i'll own stock in chick-filet if they hold the line on their expressions against gay marriage and don't give in to the gay establishment.
    aug. 1st should be great. i'll eat there lunch and dinner for sure.

  26. 2:16, I was going to correct you but some others have beat me to it. I hope it sank in and you learned something.

    I was also going to correct the person who wrote 'quears' but that too was taken care of by someone else.

    So that leaves me with this:

    You gay people and your supporters like to harp on about free speech, this right and that right, as long as it is YOUR free speech and YOUR right(s).

    You 'people' seem to forget, or CHOOSE to forget, that others have rights and free speech just as you do.

    Not just when it is convenient or when it is in agreement with you. At all times.

    You want to be heard but at the same time you deny others their right to be heard.

    I'm not gay and I am not a homophobe either. I don't think I am a hater, but I don't particularly like gays either.

    Live your lives. Love who you want. But do both 'over there'. I don't want to see it. I don't want to hear it.

    I don't go out of my way to inject my presence into your life, and I want the same consideration from you and anyone else.

    I think a lot of people feel the same way in which I speak. I hope I am verbalizing it well enough for them to appreciate it and for you to understand it.

    Live and let live but don't try to convince me what you are doing is not sinful. I believe it is and there is nothing you can say or do to change that.


  27. Finally, a place to eat that is pretty much Liberal, Progressive, Statist free!! I will def eat there more often. Been there twice this week. Viva the free market!!!

  28. I'm just waiting for the CEO to come out with his views and opinions on nuclear non-proliferation; which was the best Darrin on "Bewitched"; Superman or Spiderman; and tattoos. If he doesn't agree with me, no more chicken sandwiches. (There needs to be a "sarcasm" font in this computer.)

  29. Chick-fil-A is always busy. Yes even before all this gay ruckus. It's on a major highway. It's summer & families are traveling. Yes they will probably stop there before Burger King because it's healthier & I think they have a play area. The crowds aren't necessarily showing support for anti-gay comments-- they're just hungry.

  30. Needed an idea for dinner...off I go to Chick-fil-a! Thanks SBYNEWS!

  31. 2:16 PM said...,
    Keep your christian values to yourself.
    I say,
    Keep your homosexual values to yourself. How about that.

  32. I intend to put my money where my mouth is (literally). I work (and eat) on the road and have made notes of every Chick Fil A in my service area. They have been my sole provider since this news got out and will be my sole provider from now on. I will drive out of my way if that is what it takes to support this company.

  33. 3:54

    What was I corrected on? Nothing. Where did I say I was a liberal? Thats a problem with you idiots who live around here. You assume everything wrong is liberal this liberal that. You are clueless, you are ignorant, you are just close-minded individuals.

    Marriage is not a christian word. How hard is that? Its not. Its never been. Is it described in the bible? Yes, but the bible is a book of religious opinion.

    Marriage has been around far longer than your christianity.

    Youre denying someone basic civil rights because they are doing something that you dont agree with. How do you not see issue with that?

    And who are you to say that someone isnt allowed to show affection because YOU dont like it? Who do you think you are? If you dont like it, move to a different country. Not everyone is out to please you. This is the USA, where nobody should be afraid to express themselves freely.

  34. And dont sit there and put peace on your post when you advocate hate and discrimination.

    Wheres my ironing board at when I need it?

  35. I've darned near run over many people going from the Kohl's parking lot to Chick-Fil-A....I see this as nothing new. Of course, reality is that if you truly support Chick-Fil-A and the Christian attitudes, including being closed on Sundays, you shouldn't patronize ANY business on a Sunday.

  36. The crowds aren't necessarily showing support for anti-gay comments-- they're just hungry.

    July 27, 2012 5:36 PM

    Maybe not. But the ones who are commenting and going there with a purpose sure are showing support for chick-fil-a.

  37. Chic fil a is always busy. But I travel by one and work directly across from another, and there has definetly been an increase in traffic this week.

  38. Its a restaurant people. Get over it.

  39. Best advertisement they ever had without spending a nickel.

  40. 3:54

    What was I corrected on? Nothing.

    Well I said I hoped you learned something, it appears you didn't.

  41. And dont sit there and put peace on your post when you advocate hate and discrimination.

    Wheres my ironing board at when I need it?

    July 27, 2012 9:30 PM

    And now you want to control what others post?!
    But you and your ilk are experts on hate and discrimination. You just don't like it when you think it is directed back at you.

    Not only do you have a learning handicap, you have a reading comprehension handicap as well.

    Stay in your little world where you are perfect, I don't want you in mine.


  42. Wheres my ironing board at when I need it?

    July 27, 2012 9:30 PM

    Probably in your closet, where you need to be.

  43. August 1st has been declared "Chik-Fil-A Appreciation Day" and my friends & I who DO NOT support same-sex marriage will DEFINITELY be buying HUGE breakfasts, and/or lunches, and/or dinners in support of Chik-Fil-A.

    I STRONGLY encourage EVERYONE to support them on Wednesday as well!

  44. 3:21pm,
    I'll be there. I'm tired on these people (Homosexual) forcing their belief and lifestyle on us who believe in the biblical teaching of marriage between a man and a woman.

  45. I am a proud and successful gay male. I will continue to eat a chik fil a if I feel the desire to. The statement made by Mr Cathy is his right as is all of us to post our opinions. I do have to admit. I dont quite understand both sides of this issue. Almost every post is accusing the other of "hate", but yet both sides in the same comment are dispursing hate. While I agree with a previous comment on it would be nice to see money being donated to better note worthy foundation, it is not a new thing for the corporation to donate to "anyi-gay" groups. I dont understand why this is just now an issue. If it did not hit main stream media it would not be an issue. I think we all should get over it.
    To my gays. If we want to have the same civil rights I feel as though we need to be the "bigger" people. Stop spewing the hatred and start educating people on why we should have these rights.
    To the "Christians". If you are the christians you say you are why are you showing so much hatred? "Love they neighbors""Do unto others as you would have others do unto you""god created all things." In otherwords, you should embrace all man kind no matter what their beliefs, race, creed, color, or sexual orientation should be.
    Lastly, this views of this great nation as a whole are that of seperation of church and state. OK, you feel that marriage on your religion should be between a man and a woman. Fine, your church does not have to perform gay marriages. The point being, the right to be married is something that is defined under the laws. Not under the bible. Please leave the bible out of the laws. If you wish to worry so much about religion how about you direct your focus on the many catholic priest that have molested young boys and gotten away with it thanks to the church.
    The United States is the greatest place on earth and God loves me. These are two things I am certain about.

  46. I assume Anon 2:31 is Jim Ireton.

    Mr. Mayor I am a Christian, and:

    ***I DO love my neighbor
    ***I DO NOT support same-sex marriage, just as God does not
    ***I DO support Mr. Cathy and Chik-Fil-A and last, BUT NOT LEAST
    ***I DO NOT think you possess the character or the integrity to be Salisbury's Mayor and DO THINK it is time for you to look into another profession.

  47. 7:13,

    Why would you assume that? What a stupid thing to say.

  48. Anon 7:48---YOU are the STUPID one. I said "assume", not "KNOW" so look up the word "assume" in the dictionary dumb-dumb.

    "In God WE Trust" was adopted as the official motto of the United States in 1956, so I urge EVERYONE who is an American to go to Chik-Fil-A on Wednesday in support of their cause!!!

  49. I watched the local news to see if they would mention all the support our local Chick Fil-A is receiving already and they didn't say a word about it. They did manage to say a lot about the protesters who want to see them destroyed, but they had to show Chick Fil-A's in California, Chicago and other far off areas. Imagine that. Our local newsmen must be imbarrassed that our local citizens are supporting our Chick Fil-A.

  50. 9:36,

    You know what they say about people who ASSume, right?

    So now you have compounded the stupidity by failing to grasp the point of my original comment which was this: Why would you assume the Mayor posted at 2:31? You have absolutely no basis upon which to make such an assumption. Here, I'll give you a quick example...

    You seem to be opposed to gay marriage. I ASSUME that you are one of the "God hates American soldiers" Westboro Baptist idiots. I assume that was you I saw in that picture picketing a soldier's funeral.

    Do you see the absurd leap in logic? Why would you posit something if you have absolutely zero evidence with which to support your supposition?

    Ergo, it was a stupid thing for you to say. And it still is.

  51. 10:39---You have a point. It is quite obvious that you are a Jim Ireton fan.
    Most of us are not, so I apologize if you took offense to the reality of me stating that your bud needs to look into another profession that he is more competent at.

  52. " It is quite obvious that you are a Jim Ireton fan. "

    There you go ASSuming again. I'm a fan of logic and sound reasoning, that's all. I'm not defending Ireton for anything. I'm taking you to task for idiocy.

  53. If it makes you feel better "Anon 3:33 PM"---I surrender, and "You Win" but I tell you what, I'll make you a deal...

    When you vote for your buddy Jim Ireton ("IF" he decides to run for Mayor again) then it will be YOUR turn to surrender and to admit that "YOU (and Ireton WILL in fact) LOSE"....PERIOD!


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