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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Chick-Fil-A President, On Anti-Gay Stance: 'Guilty As Charged'

Though Chick-fil-A has come under considerable fire for its documented support of anti-gay Christian organizations, officials for the fast food chain have remained mostly tight-lipped about the controversy -- until now.

In a new interview with the Baptist Press, Chick-fil-A President Dan Cathy -- the son of company founder S. Truett Cathy -- addresses what the publication describes as his franchise's "support of the traditional family."

Cathy's somewhat glib response: "Well, guilty as charged."



  1. Good for him. I agree.

  2. And, that is his right to express his opinion!

  3. What? A business leader with the integrity to speak the truth, damn the torpedoes and political correctness! He has a right to speak his beliefs. The gay and lesbian community has the right to boycott his business. I have a feeling his righteous stance will only increase his bottom line:)

  4. Gay Suicides INCREASE in Gay-Friendly Nations:

    Being supportive of the basic civil rights of gays and lesbians does not require a belief in the false notion that people are born gay. They are not. Homosexuality is caused by emotional trauma - from childhood neglect, abuse, or any number of traumatic causes.

    If we love someone, we want to see them healed (from the emotional trauma connected to the homosexual feelings), not see them get married.

    In the Netherlands where gay marriage has been accepted for quite awhile now, has seen no decrease in gay suicide - in fact, some studies show an increase.

    If you do not promote emotional healing and resolution and instead choose to ignore it for your own selfish reasons, their blood is on your hands.

  5. Ex-Gay Says Homosexuality Caused By His Emotional Trauma Starting at Age 6:

    Author and AIDS victim Jerry Arterburn said: "I was involved in the homosexual world as a blatant attempt to obtain the affection from other men that I did not receive from my own father." (from his autobiography "How Will I Tell My Mother?")

    Due to his sensitive nature, he was more deeply affected than most boys when his own father rejected him early in life. Without a loving father figure, he yearned for affection from other boys by the age of six. His yearning became sexualized at puberty. He said being abused or severely neglected in childhood was "too common a thread to ignore" in the gay community and his female mannerisms were due to his mother, his only role model. He was NOT born gay.

  6. Good on 'im! Doesn't back down for the sake of PC. He also closes on Sundays.
    If you disagree with his politics, don't patronize his establishment.
    His and your rights.

  7. A true moral American Company... Not afraid of the Rainbow warrior's

  8. Illegal immigrants are fine but no homosexuals. WTF!

  9. Chick-Fil-A is my new favorite restaurant.

  10. Wow...I never can take seriouslyl the claim of "research" without the citation of the actual studies or data. What studies show increase in suicide among lesbian and gays in the Netherlands? Non of which I am aware. Also, just because gay marriage may be allowed, it does not mean that there is no hate, prejuidice, and stigma heaped upon the gay community. Even in those states in which gay marriage is allowed in the United States, a good deal of hate mongering against gays and lesbians continues. It is impossible to state that a correlational study results such as what you say exits, can be interpreted as a cause and effect results. As support of the statements I note, even on this blog, the continued discrimination agsinta gay and lesbian Americans is evident in most (but not all) of the posts here.

  11. 7:54 that is a gross statement. You can have whatever opinions you want about people, but a statement like that is out of bounds. People from all different backgrounds are gay, many from great families with no "emotional trauma" that you speak of.

  12. The bootom line is that we all the right to condem or condone a perverted behavior. I still love my family members that are openly gay. I the love person, but condem the act of homosexualality. I totally support the stance Chick-a-filet has taken. You sexualality is YOUR private matter. If you do not wave the rainbow warrior flag most dont know who is gay out in public. It has been about attention all along. My daddy did not show me attention. My mommy was mean. BULLSHIT You can love your buddy and not suck a penis. It is about sexual perversion period. I love you rainbows just hate your acts.

  13. Chick-fil-A has been a favorite of our family for years. They are closed on Sundays so their employees have the opportunity to go to their place of worship. I applaud a company that will take a stand and not falter. If the gays don't like it, they can choose another fast food franchise. This country still has freedom of speech, not just for the gays/libotards, etc. this freedom applies to EVERY citizen of this country!

  14. Good for him, and a big Amen to Chick-Fil-A. I think I will eat there more often!


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