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Friday, July 20, 2012

Chick-Fil-A Dubbed ‘Hate Mongers’ After President Says They Oppose Gay Marriage

The president of the popular fast food chain Chick-fil-A has ignited a social media firestorm after saying his company opposes gay marriage.

“Guilty as charged,” Dan Cathy told the Baptist Press when asked about the Atlanta-based company’s support of the traditional family unit.

“We are very much supportive of the family — the biblical definition of the family unit. We are a family-owned business, a family-led business, and we are married to our first wives. We give God thanks for that,” he said in the interview, posted Monday.



  1. I applaud the stand that Mr. Cathy is taking. Chick-fil-A is a family owned company, a family with moral/ethics. I see nothing wrong with him taking a stand. Freedom of Speech is a very important right. The Dumbocrats think they are the only people with this right, well they are wrong. America is a country of equal rights.
    Thank you Mr. Cathy for taking a stand, our family supports you in this cause!

  2. Never been to Chick-fil-A; gonna give them a try.

  3. So they bash Mr Cathy for his views because they are not what they want them to be. Yet if you do not agree with their views you are a bad person.

  4. I will still eat there maybe even more so.

  5. Good for you Dan. Sure glad to see someone taking a stand for what they believe in.

  6. Thank God morals are more important to some people than money. I suspect Chik-Fil-A will draw more business beause of their stand on this issue.

  7. If you've never eaten there, you should try them.
    There's a reason they're always busy-- it's because their food is great.
    And they're very nice people. I've never seen anything even like unkindness there, much less 'hate'.
    The left just makes things up to argue their point-- look at Obama's crew and the foolishness they're spouting.

    Chic-Fil-A walks their talk and God is blessing their business. You can call them all the names you want-- it doesn't change a thing.

  8. We need more people to stand up for what they believe in. That's what made our country the place where everyone wants to live. The biggest problem is that too many people want to "change" it after they get what they want out of it. It's called "power" and "control".

  9. From the Daily Caller:
    "A catchy slogan, of course — the answer to all of life’s problems. So here, without further ado, are our top five suggestions:

    1) Traditional nuggets — waffle fries.

    2) Baked with loving, platonic affection.

    3) One pickle per sandwich.

    4) The biblically-defined family unit that eats Chick-Fil-A together stays together.

    5) One dude, one Chick-Fil-A.

    And with that, we’re stepping out of the policy debate and leaving it to Ronald McDonald.

    Cue the uproar."

  10. 8:48
    Seems as if you spend a lot of time at Chic-Fil-A.

    I know I will be spending more money there.

  11. I couldn't give a crap what Dan Cathy says or thinks. He makes chicken sandwiches for cryin' out loud. Why is this even news??

  12. I couldn't give a crap what Dan Cathy says or thinks. He makes chicken sandwiches for cryin' out loud. Why is this even news??

    July 20, 2012 9:55 AM

    lol geesh another hostile.

    is it the heat?

  13. C21801, you have got to be kidding me , you cannot honestly say that sonic or popeys food are not greasier than any other fast food joint

  14. 10:23 AM

    Maybe he got fired from there....or perhaps he is gay?

  15. I'll have the grilled chicken sammich with a liberal order of french fries...hold the hate...The man is welcome to his opinion on traditional marriage and gays are welcome to not eat there...It's still a free country last time I checked.

  16. 10:52 AM

    ding ding ding...we have a winner

  17. I guess I'm a hate monger then also because I agree with Mr Cathy. I will wear the label proudly because no one is ever going to tell me I'm not allowed to hate. I'll do as I damm well please because I am a woman and our bodies are ours to do as we please. Isn't that the liberal mantra? It's our choice. Our brains are a part of our bodies and if our brains tell us to dislike and hate we will.

  18. The democrat/liberal/leftist agenda never makes any sense. Out of one side of their mouths they preach tolerance while out of the other they are offended when someone prays in public.
    They don't want anyone morals concerning abortion shoved down their throats but will shove down everyone's throats their morals which include tolerance.
    Michael Savage is correct. Liberalism is a mental disease. It's got to be. No one in their right minds can think the way liberasl do and not see the hypocrisy. Normal, sensible people would be embarrased and appalled at the twisted talk.

  19. amazing how hes speaks his mind and its hate, then he gets death threats and its ok. in fact, if you read his actual quote, he was very gracious and polite and emphasized that it was strictly his opinion.

    after the story first broke a couple days ago, ive decided to visit twice and send a thank you letter into his website!

  20. 11:18 AM
    11:46 AM

    You two are weird. Maybe you should get together...no, forget that.

    You might breed.

  21. LOL. Are these the same commenters who went bat sh*t insane when oreo's supported gay marriage?

    Gotta love the eastern shore.

    Fun fact: Chick-fil-a uses Perdue chicken. Support themm for that reason, not because he opposes gay marriage. That's stupid.

  22. 1:19 PM

    You make no sense and you wanna talk smack? lol

  23. 1:57 pm

    Not talking smack, i'm spitting facts.


    Support Chick-fil-a because they are anti-gay. Oppose Oreo's because they support gays. Single minded.

    2. You know Perdue Farms, the company that started and is HQ is Salisbury? They provide Chick-fil-a with chicken. Supporting chick-fil-a supports Perdue Farms, which supports Salisbury. That's why you should be eating there, not because of the guys opinion.

    Anything else unclear??

  24. More the reason for me to go there.
    God bless chick-fil-A!

  25. Got chick fi a today! Going more oftem to show our support!!

  26. love chick-fil-a. great "fast food". love the cole slaw as well as all the chicken offerings. we use them often for "parties". great service, clean operation and great food for the price...

  27. Dittos to 6:26. I plan to make them a regular.

  28. Anything else unclear??

    July 20, 2012 2:29 PM

    You never cleared anything up yet.

    What you try to say MIGHT have some weight if Salis. Perdue supplied EVERY Chik-filet, ..... or maybe it does.

    What say you chicken hauler?

  29. 2:29 PM

    Perdue Farms supports a lot of communities, not just Salisbury, Md.

    And Perdue is not their only supplier, so while what you say may have some limited local benefit, the issue at hand is much larger.

    It is a corporate decision made by Chik-fil-a that people are supporting, not their suppliers.

    People can support Perdue Farms by buying their chicken at a supermarket, which would not even guarantee the chicken they bought came from Salisbury, Md.

    Is that enough flaws in your thinking or do I need to be more clear?

  30. I have never understood why liberals are against free speech. Well, free speech for others, that is. Just a few years ago Mr. Cathys' opinion was the opinion of the vast majority. Now you have questionable media outlets pushing their agendas at our kids. And the kids grow up thinking being gay is normal when there is nothing normal about it. Especially since the life expectancy for gay people is much less than that of heterosexuals. So in a way you could make the arguement that MTV and the like are killing people.

  31. Rev. James P BaileyJuly 21, 2012 at 12:34 PM

    Let the gays eat somewhere else. I don't want to sit near a mis-directed, confused person or look at his feminine face or view his lady-like body language.I am a Christian and live by the contents of the Bible. A free Bible would be a wonderful gift to these sinners in hopes that they can find Christ and live by the sanity of marriage.


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