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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Cecil Dairy Farm Bringing Back the Milkman

RISING SUN — To modern ears, it sounds like a fairy tale: Once upon a time, a uniformed man drove a truck and delivered glass bottles of cold milk to the front door.

But the tale of the milkman seemed to be a story without a happy ending.

Doorstep milk deliveries across the U.S. disappeared almost to extinction about 30 years ago. The quaint, yet outdated, practice became as relevant as a rotary phone.



  1. I, for one, am delighted! Wish it were here.

  2. I wish it were here also. We need to keep this trend of From Farm to Table and Know Your Farmer Know Your Food going which keeps more money in the farmers pockets thereby contributing to the local economy.
    Vow to eat only fruits and vegetables sold at your local produce stand this summer.

  3. Oh geez now the last thing we need if for on of the big dairy corps to see this and they will start lobbying the MD legislature to regulate regulate regulate as to drive this small REAL family farm out of business thus forcing them to go under contract with Big Agri business and they pay them a pittance while the corp pockets the big bucks.


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