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Friday, July 06, 2012

BREAKING NEWS: Economy Adds Only 80,000 Jobs

Weak hiring continues into June as sluggish economy generates only 80,000 new jobs, well below expectations, keeping unemployment rate at 8.2 percent.

From Fox News


  1. Stop picking on Obama!!! whaaa!

  2. How's that " Hope & Change" working for ya!!?

  3. Hey Chuck, take your "observations" elsewhere.

  4. Hey Obama fans don't worry he will blame George Bush

  5. No one wants to take average jobs.Everyone wants to start with a big salary because they have accumulated big debt.This is a large part of the problem.If unemployment pays nearly as much as they will make working they pass up on the job.If everyone would settle for starting at the ground level,unemployment would drop 2 to 3% in a month.I started at the bottom,as I'm sure a lot of people reading this post did.

  6. Obama just gave that "Let's build infrastructure, roads & bridges" speech he gave during his last campaign again.... I'm personally getting tired of hearing the same old same old and looking at stagnant unemployment figures.
    Does he think we all just build roads and bridges? Is that all we're good for? That's just busy work that needs to be done once a tax base is collecting taxes because of a good economy in all other fields is generating jobs for people who pay taxes!

    This idiot hasn't a clue....


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