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Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Last night the Board of Education held a meeting and announced the following.

ALL Wicomico County High Schools will now have one Principal, THREE Vice Principals and ONE Dean of Students.

Fredericksen announced they FOUND the additional funding to hire an additional Vice Principal in each High School.

Ladies & Gentlemen, haven't they been crying the blues about money all this time?

I'll leave the rest for comments.


  1. That makes me sick to my stomach... and both my kids are in high school

    just more administration

    Frederickson is an idiot.. i wish the truth could be told about this guy.. he would be run out of town

  2. OK Teachers, NOW you know WHY you can't get the proper pay increases.

    With all due respect, YOU Teachers need to start seeing what's really going on in front of you. Oh, perhaps one day ONE or TWO of you will hit the lottery and become one of these administrators but THINK about it, is it really worth all the risk for so many years to hopefully hit that lottery?

    Going to one of the meeting you all attend is like listening to a major network marketing seminar. And lets give aplause to so and so. Let's thank another so and so for all their hard work, (clap, clap, clap) Its like a cult.

    Hey, it's a job though, right.

  3. 9:02 your right this man is a total idiot ,if we cant remove trash like this its time to move out of the county.

  4. It ought to be one principal and one vice principal per school and if they can't handle the job then find someone who can, because their is a @$$ for every seat.

    These top heavy state/county/local government departments are what's causing the debt.
    It's too the point where government employees have worn out their welcome. Time to elect real leaders who will put them in their places or show them the door.

  5. I really don't know who is worse, Ireton, Frederickson, Pollitt - it's like they all do something to trump the other two and it keeps going on, and on and on. Salisbury & Wicomico County residents this nonsense has got to stop. Seems to me we have had enough of all of their antics now its time to take our city, schools and county back.

  6. I am a teacher and I agree with you. Too much administration and not enough teachers in the classroom. By the way most teachers agree with accountability in the classrooms if you can do it fairly. NCLB and bs programs like that make it impossible to teach the average students while catering to all the discipline problems the administration refuses to put out of the classrooms.

  7. What a joke!!!!!!! One Principal and One Vice- Principal is enough!! Quit being afraid of the kids and be the adult and discipline and stand by your code of conduct!!!! Oh Wait, We can't do that - We might hurt the child's feelings and the parent(s) won't be able to say - You are picking on my kid!! Boo-Hoo!!! PLease, half of these kids need a size 7, 8 or 9 up their a@@es and we wouldn't have these problems!!

  8. what in the world will all this administration do other than collect checks?

  9. I am so glad my children are grown but I guess I should worry about grandchildren.

  10. Crooked crocks in town wasting our tax dollars
    Transportation Bus contractors are going to receive 10.00 to 15.00 more in their paycheck because they have no money liars.
    Budget Transfers

    Approved year-end budget transfers for June 2012 in the amount of $653,197, all within category. The majority of the transfers were needed to address technology and transportation.
    Approved 120,745.00 for software for transportation. Probally for GPS and camera systems so they can look in your bus as your going down the road. This buch needs cleaning out and civilized folks hired

  11. With all due respect Joe, as a teacher, what are we suppose to do about it... R hands are completely tied behind this bs. It's been no secret where all of our money is/was going... How really though do u justify 3 vice principals?? And how do they propose that will stop the discipline problems? They make titles up as they go along.. It's all a crock!

  12. You can blame Michelle Wright, Ron Willey, Tyrone Chase and Marvin Blye for voting to re-appoint this clown. They are the same ones that support everything he does.

  13. Joe - spend ONE day at a high school and you'll see why. There's almost always a Special Education IEP or 504 meeting going on during every school day at any hour, and every one requires an administrator. Teacher observations? Lunch duty? Discipline referrals? All require an administrator.

    The 3 city high schools in Salisbury AVERAGE more than 40 behavior referrals a day. An administrator has to deal with each on of them, and each one requires an attempt at a parent phone call. And much past the 15th of the month, a lot of parents are unavailable because they've run out of cell minutes.

    EVERY sporting event or after-school performance requires an administrator. So that JV field hockey game? Gotta have a dean of students, assistant principal or principal.

    Go to any of the 3 city HS on a random day and just ask if the principal is there. 50% of the time, they've been summoned to Long Avenue for yet another meeting about test scores or suspension numbers.

    The days of a high school having 400 or so kids are over, folks, unless you live in Mardela. Wi-Hi has about 1,100 kids, Parkside has about 1,300 and Bennett has darn near 1,500.

    And you want TWO administrators running those schools? What happened to running schools like a business? I know of precious few businesses that would have just 2 managers on duty for 80+ employees and 1,000+ customers in a facility that covers 60+ acres.

  14. anonymous 10:04, I agree. Your hands are tied, no question about it.

    In my honest opinion the Unions only favor a small select group, those willing to participate with this kind of bs. They talk the network marketing talk, get everyone excited, promote a select few willing to do whatever it takes and always side with them 110% and for those of you who are far more honorable you'll never ever win that lottery.

    The other sad part about it is that the general public doesn't get more involved because like other liberal agendas they'll bully you away from it IF you're not a yes man and the public remains uneducated about the real and trule politics behind the top people.

    Unfortunately the really good people get hurt the most. MOST, (if not all) teachers get into that line of business because they had a really great teacher. They THINK it will be extremely rewarding, (and it should be) but once the politics come into play and they realize it's NOT what they ever thought it would be, what do they do then? All that money and time into college for a career and your stuck.

    But don't listen to me, I'm uneducated and know nothing about business at all, right?????

  15. You be damn surprised the rsults I could get with a bull whip or a horse whip. We would negotiate it out for sure. Wouldnt trying to get more technology in the kids hands be money better spent. Some people need the belt.

  16. They think they are so strong and protected that they are untouchable. Thats what they think, the union are just slaves to whatever cause they dump money into. Poor teachers most anyway are fightin the good fight and the above people seem to be over paid shit to me. Am I missing something? There are little kids that I love that are growing up and going to public school, I am so thankful that it isnt in your fkd up state.

  17. Exception, Delmar Elementary.

  18. this is crap!!!!! these teachers deserve a pay raise...if nothing else how a cost of living increase...not some lil ole 1% crap either....i've always said fredericksen was a jack@$$ and will always be in my book!!!!!!

  19. What a skap in the face to students and teachers. The schools need smaller class sizes and more direct student services. Not more cooks in the kitchen.

    I am certain this plan has been awaiting finial approval on the budget from the county council before being released. Let me explain. Each school year at the end of March WCBOE releases the administration transfers to the public. This year it didnt happen. The only names released were names of administrators that were moving to board positions. This cant be the only school year in the past 15 years where not a single administrator was transfered. Heck, they transfered administrators mid school year, last year didnt they?

    My guess now is they knew in March this money was going to be "found". I wonder if the county council was douped here too? The deception is horrible. I hope there is an outcry that there need to be more teachers in the classroom instead of more administrators. Just makes me sick.

  20. only one opportunity to educate your children. don't blow it in government schools. wicomico county is one of the arm pits of education. get them out while you still can.

    teachers who are still there; get together as a united front and do what you must do. nothing will ever change until YOU make it change. be leaders in this effort. make your voices heard above the din of these dim wit admins. then let the chips fall where they may.

    this could be the catalyst that would start major changes in education all across our nation. refuse to pay union dues and do what is right; not safe and expedient.

    lastly; county council wake up to what is really going on here. the school system has always squirled away dollars for what they want. the admin positions have always been top heavy and this will continue as long as you allow it. now wicomico county is going into debt it CANNOT afford right now because you don't have the fortitude to do what is right for ALL of wicomico county. get ready my friends; we're in for a very rough ride ahead because our leaders weren't really leaders.

  21. No child left behind has nuetered the educational process in this country.

  22. Teachers are over paid! work 6 months OFF 6 months! Every teacher knew what their pay rate would be until they become a teacher than its not enough! I say pay the good ones alot and the bad ones need to go! I forgot to mention this does not happen Tenure! Unions = Nothing!!!

  23. "Teachers are over paid! work 6 months OFF 6 months!" hahahaahahahha... right. You come to my classroom and work my hours during the school year and help me handle the lesson planning, the parent conferences, the IEP meetings, the team meetings, the collaborative meetings, the parent phone calls, the grading, and the discipline problems. Then let's talk.

  24. I have to chime in here for just a second. First of all, since when do Teachers only work 6 months out of the year? Isn't it more like 9+ months these days.

  25. Do you have a link to the meeting notes?

  26. It's more like 10 now

  27. 6:50 Are you children in school 6 months and out six months?

    A teacher cannot leave a classroom of students to deal with the disruptive thugs. Disruptive thugs cannot be sent to the office alone to roam the halls. Disruptive thugs have to be escorted to the office. Do any of you know who does the escorting? Do any of you know of the paperwork and time involved in this procedure. Do any of you know how many times a day this scene is played over and over again in a school? Do any of you know how many teachers a day have their classes disrupted while waiting for someone to come get the thug? Believe me each school needs more than three VP to keep up with these thugs.

    If you are truly concerned about how much the school budget is costing, volunteer to go get those problem kids out of the classrooms and I hope you feel safe doing so.

    Get the mandates, facts and figures before trashing the school administration. Many do not bother to see what the whole story is. Could you do Frederickersen job better after being informed of rules and regs he has to comply by.

  28. Teachers are paid to teach, not be a nanny to illiterate, disruptive and violent students. Every job looks easy until you are the one doing the job.

    I don't know how most teachers do it these days, when I went to school 20% of the students in school now would not be allowed to attend.

    If I was a teacher now days, I'd get charged with child abuse too, because I'd have to take a baseball bat to some of these thugs in school today!

  29. This is total BS. I went to high school in PG County which was only 9-12. Just over 3600 students and we had 1 principal 1 vice principal. And the behavior problems were x 5 there.!


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