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Monday, July 30, 2012

Bloomberg Comes Out Against Boston & Chicago Mayors’ Anti-Chick-Fil-A Messages

While New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is a supporter of same-sex marriage, he says he disagrees with the way some of his fellow mayors have responded to the ongoing Chick fil-A controversy.

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  1. Bloomberg is just another gay Democrat that wants to be elected.

  2. He might be but I agree with him.

  3. yep,he's an idiot too

  4. Please note this man waited a week to form his opinion! Easy to do after the firestorm/ He just wants to be popular and get re elected! Dolt!

  5. Please note this man waited a week to form his opinion! Easy to do after the firestorm/ He just wants to be popular and get re elected! Dolt!

    July 30, 2012 7:50 PM

    So that must mean he thinks a majority of voters thinks the same was as him.

    Yet, some on here wanna talk smack to someone who agrees with the mayor and seemingly, the majority.

    And I'm called an idiot and a dolt?!

    lol peace

  6. Girls just wanna have funJuly 31, 2012 at 5:51 AM

    I heard he and Barnie Franks are lovers!


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