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Monday, July 09, 2012

Black Mobs Terrorize 1 of 'Whitest Big Cities'

It has been called one of America’s “whitest big cities” – with 66 percent of residents describing themselves as non-Hispanic white in the 2010 census – but it is not immune to black-mob attacks on a pregnant woman, veterans, the elderly, young people, homosexuals, Asians and others.

Seattle has “fewer problems with racism than other cities,” said the blog So Seattle. “Ethnic tensions … seem less tangible.”

While Seattle may not have the day-in, day-out racial violence of a Chicago, or the peculiar racial lawlessness of small-town Peoria, more and more, people are paying attention to the increasingly visible and brutish mayhem black mobs are visiting on their victims.



  1. As Obama says "Let me make this perfectly clear". "I carry protection and if attacked by anyone of any colour or age, someone is going down". If you are white and ride public transportation you had better protect yourselves form those that are given a free ride.

  2. They ruin it for everyone.Our forefathers who founded this country are rolling in their damn graves right now.

  3. Please remember what Ted Nugent said" If Obama is elected again , I will either be dead or in jail this time next year."

  4. Barry Soerteo WILL be "el-ected" again. Isn't that obvious yet? The Mitt, is not a real candidate. He is the chosen opposition, like Tom, John, amd Al.

    Don't be counting on the el-ection to save us. It is drama and is engineered to make us think we are making a choice. And don't act like you are going to resist. You will not resist.

    Moreover, you will like it. At least you will like the bread and circus which will be dependably provided to you to distract you from the misery which is the Amerikan life.

  5. I doubt there will be any resistance.

    There will be compliance as usual. The taking off of shoes, the bending over for the searches, the X-ray of body parts. You will pull over to the edge when you see the blue lights.

  6. fools doesn't matter which one is elected, the policies of the global elite will march forward. Just shut up and bend over!

  7. If someone attacks you unprovoked, you are well within your rights to kill them.

    No muss, no fuss. They know their chances of getting away with it are good and there is no real deterrent for them to not do it, or anything like it.

    They know all they have to do is say the racist and some weak kneed judge and some spineless DA will feel sorry for them and throw the book at the 'real' victim.

    Do what the cops do and plant a weapon on him/them and claim self-defense. Then get some of your buddies to back up your story.

    Cops do it all the time, why not us?

  8. You clowns keep wanting to make it a race issue when in fact it's a crime issue. I just watched video of a black elderly man getting decked and robbed by two black teenagers. Also saw were several white youths attacked a group of elderly whites. Get off your dum dum race bandwagon and start looking at the real issue.

  9. The real issue is the racism and hatred instilled in the black community AND, the Government making people that work and pay taxes slaves to the minions of black idiots that cannot count to ten twice with out strewin' it up, cannot speak English coherently or keep themselves with dignity and or respect.

  10. You clowns keep wanting to make it a race issue when in fact it's a crime issue. I just watched video of a black elderly man getting decked and robbed by two black teenagers. Also saw were several white youths attacked a group of elderly whites. Get off your dum dum race bandwagon and start looking at the real issue.

    July 10, 2012 8:05 AM

    wow you watched two whole videos and discovered what the real issue is?

    I am impressed. You should work for the government, you would fit right in.


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