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Monday, July 02, 2012

Big Brother Just Got Bigger

During a recent media interview it was stated that the Salisbury Police Department would suspend our Automated Speed Enforcement program for the months of July and August to coincide with school closing. In response to that statement the Board of Education has asked that we reconsider our decision, citing summer programs in which over 500 students will need safe passage to and from school. As a result of that request, we will keep all speed cameras active and enforcing throughout the summer months. We remind drivers to slow down, obey the posted speed limits and be alert for pedestrians.

Current camera locations:

E. College Ave near Bennett High and Middle Schools for east and westbound traffic
Emerson Ave near North Salisbury Elementary for north and southbound traffic S. Division St near Onley Rd northbound traffic only US Rt. 50 near Wicomico Middle School for east and westbound traffic.

*Automated Speed Enforcement is active Mon-Fri from 6:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m.


  1. Should only be active for the hours that students are scheduled to walk to and from school, clubs, and events.

  2. Bull Hockey.

    That's for one reason. They can soak people on Friday evenings going to Ocean city.

    Greedy B.....

    And alot of people will never know they reversed this decision until they got a ticket.

    Bunch of liars running this county, from the Pollitt on down. Time to get them all out..

  3. 8:55, how do the cameras affect people going to ocean city

  4. Why are you people always complaining? DON'T BREAK THE LAW. Why are you so angry that you won't be able to speed in SCHOOL ZONES?

  5. I agree with 8:55!!!! Lets start with Pollitt, Mike Lewis and MR. Freedy. I will go along with mon thru fri while school is running.....but summers, weekends, and after the close of school should not effect the safety of the children, Furthermore, summer schoold does not occur at all the schools. My child went and it was all done at Parkside and it was half day.(and Parkside doesn't have a camera) Come on your reasoning is not really for child safety it is to make money!

  6. Why is there a sign up on Pemberton Drive saying "Photo Enforced?"

  7. I was about to purchase a home in Sleepy Hollow, going to buy in Worcester county now, where I wont have to pass these Nazi cameras.

  8. Lol I wondered how long before we go the comment "so what stop breaking the law". It only took like an hour. If Obama sent out his police force to lock you up if you did anything other than what is 100% legal would you be ok with that? "If you aren't doing anything wrong" right. This is how people lose freedoms. The bend and budge because it is "for the good of the kids or people". Give me a break its good for the wallet since when did kids matter to you if they did we wouldn't have such a corrupt educational system. How about starting there since it is more harmful to the kids.

  9. If cameras remain on all year, than you speeders won't have the worry of when you can speed and when you should not speed. Speeding is against the law. Speeding can cost you money. Now what about those two sentences do you not understand. So what if it is a money making scheme. Do not speed and you will not be (what a lot of you consider) a "victim" (but I consider a violator). Now lets get creative and concern ourselves with solutions to REAL problems, like jobs, the economy, helping others, getting rid of Obama, etc.

  10. I agree with 9:05 dont speed anytime or any place?

  11. Remember back in the day when we used to tell each other, "slow down when you get to Bennett Middle. Cops ALWAYS sit up there." And they did. They used to have a cruiser in front of that school damn near 24/7. So we all slowed down and did the speed limit, and that was that. What's different about this?

  12. Let's make a million this summer. Put it on the bypass near Salisbury Christian school getting the baltimorons and pennsyltukians and we will have enough revenue to satisfy the money grabbers without messing with the locals.

  13. Lol those who are saying dont break the law are playing right into Obam's hands.

  14. I hit, and always did hit the speed limit long before they put those cameras up. Those cameras dont bother me at all. I wont make the city rich because I obey the speed limits, in town and out of town.

  15. Since we're paying to have all these cameras put in place, can we lay off a couple of police officers, since they're not needed?


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