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Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Before Rumors Get Started, My Response To Michelle Obama

From: Michelle Obama
To: Joe Albero
Date: Tue, Jul 31, 2012 3:27 pm

Joe --

I'm always amazed by how Barack balances his responsibilities as president, a husband, and a dad.

But sometimes even he needs a little help. And this campaign is going to take all of us pitching in.

All of the things we've poured our hearts into -- from passing health care reform to fighting for an economy that works for everyone -- are on the line.

I know I don't want to wake up on November 7th wondering if I could have done more. So I'm doing everything I can between now and Election Day to make sure we can keep moving this country forward for four more years.

We've only got a few more hours before an important fundraising deadline. Please support this campaign by giving $3 or more today:

From all of us, thanks.


Dear Michelle,

Boy, if you keep writing me like this on a daily basis people are really going to start talking! Yeah, I can see in your position while your vacationing as often as you are and Barack always out golfing how the two of you really don't spend much time together. Believe me, in my campaign for Mayor of Salisbury, living in Salisbury while my Wife and Grandson live in Delmar, it really is a sacrifice. Hmmmmm, I wonder, (between ALL of us) who's sacrificing more?

That being said, I'll donate to your campaign just as soon as you donate to mine. I'm confident your response will be the same as mine, trust me, the check is in the mail.


Joe Albero


  1. Mine too lol

    Joe when are we going to have a fundraiser for you for MAYOR

  2. Dear Mr. Albero, I will send you a donation as soon as I return from vacation. This will only be my 14th vacation in 3 years thanks to the dummy taxpayers that elected my non-citizen bed mate. Boy, are Americans stupid or what! Thanks for all your support, Michelle O.

  3. This sure isnt 2008,is it???

  4. Joe, I'm glad those kiddos in the WH are keeping in touch with us out here. I write back to them as well, with much of the same thoughtfulnessas you do. Heck, I even told Michelle that I wanted to give Barack a free job interview for his birthday seein's it may be something he'll need in the near future! I'm sure that will go on the card along with everyone else's wishes for him!

  5. Dear Joe,

    Thanks for your heartfelt reply.

    Please keep an eye out for me when the Opportunity Shop is open; buying these $6,300 tops like I wore in London puts a dimple in my fashion budget. Plus it would be a good photo op, like that time they were tipped off to see my entourage shopping at Target. We'd need about 40 parking spaces. Do you have some contacts at the local paper you could rely on to be wandering by if I happened to drop in to snag a bargain? LOL!

    As the owner and past owner of several businesses you didn't build by yourself, we're so glad you plan to share the wealth with us.

    Finally, when you do get geared up for your campaign, drop me a note and I can show you how we enabled illegal foreign donors to contribute to us in 2008 by disabling the verification features of credit cards. We can't really give you 'legal advice' on this little wiggle since we've both surrendered our Harvard law school earned law licenses.

    BTW, when I'm shopping and vacationing I like to use the big plane; it's much more efficient than two trips in one of the smaller ones; times are tough and we feel it's important to set a good example for the little folks.

    Thank you for enlisting as a Class Warrior; your rank will mirror your contribution level, and you can ensure rapid promotion with your pen and checkbook (and you don't get a K ration for 40K when we chow, lol).

    Hoping for your change, and your check,


  6. Joe isn't going to need a fundraiser. Joe isn't going to need to spend any money to win this election.

    Matter of fact, I think he has already won. Just have to go through the formalities.

  7. Dear Michele.
    Tell your hubby somewhere in Kenya, there is an opening for El Presidente. Interested?


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