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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Arizona Immigration Law Opponents File New Offensive Aimed at Blocking Status Check

Opponents of Arizona's hardline immigration enforcement law launched a new effort Tuesday aimed at thwarting a U.S. Supreme Court ruling that will allow police to enforce the so-called "show me your papers" provision.

A coalition of civil rights groups, religious leaders and business organizations filed a new request seeking a court order that would prevent authorities from enforcing a rule that requires police to check the immigration status of people they stop for other reasons.

The groups are asking U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton to block enforcement of the requirement before it takes effect, arguing that Latinos in Arizona would face systematic racial profiling and unreasonably long detentions under the contentious section of the 2010 law.



  1. Go ahead and do it! Afterwards, I will no longer have to show ID for movies, alcohol, driving, gun ownership, voting, business licensing, tax I.D. or anything else! When that happens, I'll try Australia! Bye, bye!

  2. If they are legal they have nothing to fear. DUH


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