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Friday, July 20, 2012

Are Obama’s Ideas Un-American?

It seems that one of Mitt Romney’s top surrogates, John Sununu, recently gave us a guided tour of the life cycle of a political gaffe.

First, he wished that President Barack Obama “would learn how to be an American,” and then he amended the comment with a “what-I-really-meant-was” clarification, and finally, he surrendered, as they almost always do, by saying, “I made a mistake.”

But did he? You don’t have to be a birth certificate conspiracy kook to ponder the question. After all, we’re no longer debating whether government should just be huge or whether it should be ginormous anymore. We’re not really wrangling over what levels of debt or spending are acceptable. The president’s central case rests on the idea that individuals should view government as society’s moral center, the engine of prosperity and the arbiter of fairness. Traditionally speaking, that’s not a very American notion.



  1. Marxist socialism is as UN-AMERICAN as you can get.
    This will be Obama's legacy.

  2. Lee Harvey Oswald was a Marxist too

  3. John Sununu born in Cuba, father from Jerusalem and mother from Ecuador. Here is your expert on being American.

  4. everything about obama is un-american

  5. 10:02,He is not president or will ever be.Typical lib response.

  6. He is our savior , "the Lord Obama"he doesn't make mistakes!!


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