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Thursday, July 12, 2012

AG's Office Weighs in On Pit Bull Ruling

A Maryland assistant attorney general says a court ruling that pit bulls are "inherently dangerous" is not yet in effect, pending a decision by the state's highest court on a request that it reconsider the decision.

Kathryn Rowe, an assistant attorney general, wrote the opinion Tuesday at the request of Delegate Heather Mizeur, D-Montgomery.

Rowe writes that the attorney general's office believes the decision is not currently in effect, because of the motion for reconsideration.



  1. Landlords DO have the right to regulate what type of pet, or if any, are allowed in their appartments or houses, however, if a tenant is already in and the pet has been there for a few months, the Landlord can't now forbid the pet, but new tenants would have to follow the new rules set by him.
    I for one fell that owning a Pitbull is the same as owning a Rattle snake, there fine till they bite!!!

  2. In general simply by your last statement - you are an idoit
    Anything with teeth can and will bite
    Animals are defined by their owners
    Condem the idoits that don't know how to be a good dog owner - like with children they can't help who their parents are


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