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Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Where Does All the Money Go?

The 1%…the zombies…and the rest of us…

How about that Dow? Up 286 points yesterday. And gold up $17. Markets are counting on their hero, Mr. Benjamin S. Bernanke, to come to the rescue. They can practically hear the printing presses warming up…and smell the fresh $100 bills rolling off.

And where does all the money go? Long time passing…

Where does all the money go? Long time ago…

Where does all the money go? Gone to rich people every one…

When will they ever learn? Oh when will they ever learn?

But nobody seems to make the connection. Only here at The Daily Reckoning will we give it to you straight:

The working classes made substantial gains until the 1970s. Then, wages went flat for the next 40 years.


1 comment:

  1. it would be nice if somebody had a forum to educate the people about the impact of derivative debt by Wall St and the Banks is placing upon the entire World.

    I don't know why this factor is a big secret? think maybe it is because our politicians have made a fortune on them?


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