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Saturday, June 09, 2012

Virginia Beach Student Suspended for Allegedly Using American Flag to Wipe Hands

A 13-year-old boy in the gifted program at Plaza Middle School in Virginia Beach served an in-school suspension Wednesday after teachers said he used the American flag in the school’s auditorium to wipe his hands after leaving the bathroom.

However, Moses Hinton’s parents told NewsChannel 3 the incident did not happen, and they believe their boy was harshly punished because he is the only African-American seventh grade student in the school’s gifted program, even though the school’s principal is black.

“[This has been] very traumatic,” said Victoria Hinton, Moses’ mother.  “It has had an emotional impact on my son’s education.”



  1. My goodness , here we go again , the race card. This child was lucky,if my son saw him he would have beat the crap out of him , black or white.
    Let's get it on Al Sharpton!!

  2. Ms Hinton, shutty! Moses, be more respectful. Race card = go away. Overused and out of date!

  3. When you have no defense the race card is played.

  4. Obama's Racial divisionJune 9, 2012 at 10:47 AM

    He should be sent to another Country to desecrate their flag, and we will see what may happen.

  5. The reason this kid showed disrespect to our nation's flag is because that's what he's been taught at home. He is allowed to behave this way, because mommy is always there to make excuses for him. Wish he would have done that in front of a soldier or a veteran.

  6. I have nothing to do, nothing to do, I have to find something to justify my existence in this job, or they will lay me off like the others. There are layoffs everywhere! Better do something than nothing at all! Even though I know my job is totally unneccessary! Oh! What to do!

  7. 6:29 Has had some sort of break down.

  8. I was taught to never let the flag touch the ground. This kid wipes his hands on it after a bathroom visit. It's not a race issue, it's a respect issue. People who show no respect deserve the same treatment. I'd give him 2 weeks in school suspention even if the school year is over!

  9. What is worse is slovenly adults that wear flag printed clothes. You wanna wear a pin fine just don't plaster your fat sweaty behind in old glory terry cloth shorts and a tank top. Adults should know better.


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