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Saturday, June 16, 2012

USPS Reduces Greenhouse Gases By 7.4%

In its annual Sustainability Report, the Postal Service announced that it has reduced its greenhouse gas emissions by 7.4 percent since 2008. That's the equivalent of taking 200,000 cars off the road. That puts the Postal Service well on its way to meeting its goal of a 20 percent cut by 2020. The Postal Service maintains the largest network of buildings in the U.S.and has installed energy auditing systems in many of its buildings to track energy waste. It also owns 41,000 alternative fuel-capable vehicles and has implemented 8,000 more walking and bicycle routes for mail carriers.


  1. Well that's just great I feel better now about the billions of dollars they lose every year!

  2. More greenie weenie BS.

  3. No wonder they're rapidly going broke. They need to focus on delivering the mail, accurately, efficiently, and on time. Everything else is just a distraction and serves only to further the urine poor operating results.

  4. do you really believe this crap? who cares. there all liars anyway and it just doesn't add up. never has and never will.

  5. How can this be? There are so many empty buildings of theirs with maybe a single clerk that are still being heated and cooled. The Selbyville Post Office is nothing more than a shrine.


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