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Friday, June 29, 2012

Today's Survey Question 6-29-12

Do you believe the Supreme Court made the right decision on Obamacare?


  1. No. However, after reflecting on Robert's ruling, he may be the smartest man in the room. By narrowly defining this as a tax he changed the debate and now places the burden on Obama to explain why he wants to impose the biggest tax increase in history on the American people.

  2. They had to re-write the law and call it a tax....WTF

  3. No, Simply because so many groups are exempt from the program. Muslims do not have to participate. If a law is passed all Americans should be affected.

  4. If we want crappy healthcare like the third world they did.

    If social healthcare is so good, why to people with cancer and other serious illnesses come here for treatments and/or operations?

    We've had foreign dignitaries come here for operations and treatments. Read the writting on the wall, your guns are the next freedom to lose.

  5. NO we need to vote the Dumbocrats out and then dismantal this God awful Obamacare

  6. No! If you couldn't afford healthcare before...it hasn't changed. Now you will be fined.
    That fine will be called a tax.

  7. It's not the courts job to write or re-write legislation, that is the job of law makers in congress. We have lost all balance of power in this country with this decision.

  8. We should have Universal Healthcare! They should have passed the original bill that both democrats and republicans wanted and were for...However, the republicans had to go against Obama because their only goal was to make him a one term president so they voted against everything he wanted.

  9. NO, how could it be good...

    Now they have a door, and made it wide opened by the way, to MAKE YOU BUY other things needed or not, high priced or not...

    Get ready, mark my words, because later on, I will be saying I told you so - A LOT...

    You will be FORCED to buy GREEN TECH... you will be forced to buy certain foods... You will be FORCED to buy cars and homes and the like when they tell you , you can and when and where...

    NOW I won't be surprised to see them making you pay a tax to use the bathroom in your own house... Oh wait they to... called a flush tax...

  10. Wait till that tax you for sand being on the road way because of the wind... and wait until they tax you for the wind putting the sand on the roadway... Oh wait, mind as well at water in there because hey we need it, use it and it puts sand on the roadway and in turn makes you use more gas...

  11. If it's a tax, shouldn't the bill have originated in the house, not the senate?

  12. 11;28

    You seem to forget that by a 20% margin people do not want this. Romney raised over $4 million
    in just one day after this was ruled to be constitutional. In every country where there is national healthcare there are long waits and poor quality of care. If this ruling helps get rid of this socialist jerk I guess it is worth it.

  13. No indeed.Roberts is an epileptic.He is indeed brilliant.However,any epileptic can tell you that the meds impair judgement and rationale.On that basis this decision could be argued.Is it too much to ask to have a group of clear thinking justices deciding our fate?

  14. NO! I can't afford to pay for everyone's healthcare. It's difficult enough for my spouse and myself!

  15. 11:38 you are on the money with your comments. Tax laws, by the Constitution, can only be passed by Congress. The Judicial branch has no authority to legislate anything.So look back at Obama's appointees to the Court. Now you see what we are facing in America.

  16. Time to move to Australia...sooner the better to get away from this country. Cannot stand liberals or communists...Obama needs to go!

  17. Enjoy the universal healthcare in Australia soon to be ex-pats


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