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Thursday, June 07, 2012

Teen Struck And Killed In OC Crossing Coastal Highway

A 15-year-old girl from Western Maryland was struck and killed crossing Coastal Highway at 21st Street on Tuesday.

Police say it happened at around 5:45 pm.

"She was crossing against the cross walk light," said Ocean City Police Public Affairs Specialist Jessica Waters who also said the girl was crossing Coastal Highway north of the marked cross walk.  "Traffic travelling southbound actually had a green light. The driver who turned out to be a 17 year old male from this area in Worcester County was determined not to be at fault and no charges are pending against the driver."

Including the bus lanes along the curb, she was crossing an eight lane stretch of road in Ocean City when she was struck.



  1. But the kid who was driving will never be the same.

  2. anon 9:13 - i was thinking the same thing. i feel sorry for the young man who was driving. it wasn't his fault but omg! what he's going to have to live with for the rest of his life. i can't imagine.

  3. OC should pay to create a 4 ft fence along the entire median of Coastal Highway, discouraging people from crossing away from intersections.

    How many kids have to die??

  4. a fence is not needed
    what is needed is proper parenting when the kids are younger
    then they wouldnt even think about crossing the road like tht

  5. a fence? are you for real? how about we do like 12:28 suggests and teach our kids some common sense!

  6. OK, Cathy - are you volunteering to come to my house and teach my kids common sense?

    Your comment is feel-good nothingness. How about a plan? A real plan!

    Or do you just shrug your shoulders as another family's heart is torn out because their 15-year old has gone to God...without her "common" sense?

    The nerve of you people...

  7. This accident has nothing to do with common sense or proper parenting. It was an ACCIDENT! OCPD needs to be cracking down on children, teens and adults jaywalking!!! Sometimes it is downright scary to be driving in Ocean City.

  8. no ANONYMOUS 4:45, i will not come to your house and teach your children how to use crosswalks. that's your job.

    i'm sorry that a family has lost their 15 year old child. i can't imagine the grief they are dealing with.

    perhaps it could have been prevented if she had used the crosswalk properly.


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