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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Teen, 17, Arrested in Frying Pan Park Animal Slashings

A Herndon teenager faces felony charges in connection with animal slashings at Frying Pan Park in April and May.

Fairfax County police say the 17-year-old boy is charged with four felony counts of maiming animals, three misdemeanor counts of cruelty to animals and two counts of unlawful entry.

Police say they arrested the teen Saturday after getting a tip on Friday. They aren't describing the motive, but say they believe they have the weapon used in the attacks: a machete.



  1. Oh my God, this makes me sick.
    Those poor helpless defenceless animals!!!

  2. Somebody needs to do the same thing to this serial killer in the making. Animals now humans next. Just don't understand the parents that raise these monsters.

  3. this kid has a a screw loose and needs to be committed to a mental health facility ASAP otherwise we will be reading about him later on in his life also.

  4. Kill him now. Maiming/torturing/killing animals for "fun" and "amusement" is merely early practice for what they will later to to humans. Kill him in public. Feed him to the animals and make a TV special out of the process. I guarantee he has other problems ---school bully, dropout, delinquent, juvenile record, etc. BUT, he'll get "counseling" and an insignificant punishment. We wouldn't want him to "feel bad" about himself. And in 10 years will kidnap, torture, rape, and then kill your granddaughter. Thousands upon thousands of psychologist, psychiatric, and prison records document this pattern. Like I say. Kill him now.


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