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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Team Obama’s Brother Sharpton Moment

Attorney General Eric Holder’s people have no shame. After months of stonewalling, misinformation and petulant disregard for the victims of the Fast and Furious gunwalking scandal, President Obama’s Justice Department is hiding behind the most despicable race-card demagogues on the planet. “Post-racial” America never looked so bitter, clingy and cowardly.

At a Tuesday press conference in Washington, D.C., human shield Al Sharpton condemned the upcoming House vote on a contempt motion against Holder as “reckless” and “morally reprehensible.” Yes, the infamous hate-crimes hoaxer, cop-basher and riot incitement specialist is now the self-appointed sheriff of Capitol Hill morality. A Huffington Post report hyping Sharpton’s protection racket decried the contempt citation as an “assault on minority rights.” In typical race-baiting style, Sharpton told the leftwing website: “I’m not saying that this is because Holder is black, and I’m not calling (Republicans) racists. I’m saying what they’re doing has a racial effect.”

Of course Sharpton’s accusing Republicans of racism — and by extension, he’s smearing every American demanding truth and justice in Obama’s bloodiest scandal. That includes the family of murdered Border Patrol agent Brian Terry, whose December 2011 death came at the hands of a Mexican thug wielding a Fast and Furious weapon. What about the Mexican government officials left in the dark about the deadly operation? And the hundreds of families of Mexican victims of Fast and Furious-enabled bloodshed? Yes, yes, they are all racists and minority vote suppression advocates, too.



  1. This statement alone should capture most of the hispanic votes for republicans.

  2. let me help everyone out translating this because i speak Jive. when al sharpton says, "I’m not saying that this is because Holder is black, and I’m not calling (Republicans) racists. I’m saying what they’re doing has a racial effect.", what he is saying is, "republicans are racists and they're only doing this because Holder is black."

    i hope that helps everyone

  3. Sharpton is bigger Racist than Jesse Jackson

  4. Sharpton is a nut case, always has been and always will be. All he has to do is open his mouth and crazy stuff comes out.


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