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Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Supreme Court Sides With Secret Service Agents

The Supreme Court sided with the Secret Service in a case involving two agents, an anti-war protester and former Vice President Dick Cheney. The agents were protecting Cheney at a Colorado shopping mall when protester Steve Howards approached them, he said, to tell the vice president about his political views, the Associate Press reported. Agents said he also touched Cheney on the shoulder. They arrested Howards and he sued them for violating his rights. Lawyers for the Secret Service argued that agents should be shielded from these types of lawsuits. The justices did not go that far in their opinion, but they said the agents could not be sued here because the law was unclear.


  1. Great case of damn if I do and damn if I dont. Any trained LEO would do the same thing.

  2. Whats that Jack? LIE? Make up an offense to fit a charge?

    The charges were dropped.
    A clear sign Law Enforcement was wrong and should be held accountable for their vindictive sycophant
    retaliatory persecution.
    I guess your proud of that agency too.

  3. I am sure he is.

  4. I guess if you were an agent and someone from the crowd came right up and reached for the protectee you would just let them do it. I did not read it correctly because I do not thing that it was an arrestable offense if that was all the happened but you cannot let anyone get that close to the principal. This I was taught at Secret Service training. I certainly hope that you are never in need of LEO assistance and if so I hope that that LEO does not read your posts for your sake.

  5. LEO is to busy running radar for any real crime enforcement.Working people pay fines,don`t tie up the judicial system & correctional facility.

  6. This I was taught at Secret Service training. I certainly hope that you are never in need of LEO assistance and if so I hope that that LEO does not read your posts for your sake.

    June 5, 2012 6:21 PM

    You were a secret service agent?! Now that's a scary thought.

    And it's been a while since someone put up that lame excuse for not doing their job.

    I also hope I would not need help from a cop and one such as you describe shows up.

    It's quite obvious that he would be a complete waste of everyone's time and energy.

    I would hope dinosaurs such as these are almost extinct and NOT teaching the new recruits coming into the profession.

    The ones who haven't been killed or put out to pasture by now should be stripped of any remaining police powers and influence.

    You and they are one of the bad apples we hear so much about.

    Please live out your remaining days in solitude and keep your antiquated ideas to yourself.

    You give cops a bad name and get people hurt.


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