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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Study: Children From Same-Sex Homes Have Lower Income, Poorer Mental & Physical Health

People on both sides of the same-sex adoption debate have extremely passionate views on the matter. While those who stand opposed to gay adoptions charge that the institution could negatively impact children, individuals in support claim that there is virtually no difference between the kids who come from straight and gay homes. Now, a new study published in the journal “Social Science Research” tackles this very ideal, finding that there are, indeed, major differences worth noting.

These purported discrepancies exist in the areas of social, emotional and relationship measures, Deseret News reports. The study, which is bound to be controversial, found lower reported income levels, poorer mental and physical health and more problematic romantic relationships, among adults who came from same-sex homes. Among 40 measures, there were 25 differences observed among this cohort when compared to kids who were raised in heterosexual households. Deseret continues:



  1. 10:13, were you molested as a child? Because you have some backwards views.

  2. is this really surprising?

  3. Alex I challenge you to read about Frank Lombard, a high ranking official at Duke who raped and pimped out his adopted 5 year old--and see if you still think it is backwards thinking.


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