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Monday, June 25, 2012

Students Severely Sunburned at School Field Day Because of Little-Known State Sunscreen Law

Jesse Michener is outraged after her two daughters returned home from a school field day with what she described as “hurts to look at” sunburns because they weren’t allowed to put on sunscreen.

Michener said it was raining in the morning so she didn’t put sunscreen on the girls before they left, but even if she had, she noted that they would still have had to reapply it at some point.  And there’s the rub– apparently, teachers are not allowed to put sunscreen on students in Washington, and kids can only put it on themselves if they have a doctor’s note.

Michener wrote her own account of what happened on her blog, after explaining that she is particularly irritated because one of her daughters has a documented form of Albinism that makes her extra sensitive to the sun:



  1. Am I the only one here who doesn't have sympathy for the parents? This article says "one of her daughters has a documented form of Albinism". Well, hello, doesn't it seem as if the parent of an albino should take some responsibility to ensure that at least her child had sunscreen and the ability to put it on?

    No one wants to assume any personal responsibility for their own failings. We live in a society that wants to sue someone else for every little bad thing that happens to them or their child. Grow up and be responsible for your own actions.

  2. 3:41
    I agree! These girls are old enough to take some responsibility for themselves. I would think a girl with a form of albinism would have sunscreen on all the time.

  3. If the sunscreen was allied before they went to school in the am it would not have done any good 4 hours later.
    How can she be responsible enough to put it on if the school will not allow her to do so?

  4. On the other hand, many of the schools do a poor job of letting you know what the rules are for things like Field Day. Our school here tells you to send sunscreen along so the kids can reapply it...but no teacher can help them do it.

  5. Didn't the teachers or some adult notice the child was getting burned?

  6. The mother should of had a note from the Dr. on file at the school. She could of requested the daughter only be out for an hour, or the girl could of worn a broad brim hat.

  7. any other time kids don't listen to teachers, why not at a time when it would protect them?

  8. If a parent is not informed by the school that they had made a ridiculously insane law that OTC sunscreen has been made into a prescription drug at the school that parent may have been able to get her doctor's note

  9. 3:41 - I agree!!! What about Parent responsibility?! I am sooo tired of the msm making news over stuff like this and Mom, if you r soo concerned - Go to the school and put it on yourself!!!!! I swear, Some people should NOT have children!!

  10. Come on now, the school is looking out for us. They can't allow us to apply a drug to our bodies without checking it out through a doctor.

    People may harm themselves. The govt looks out for us and protects us.

  11. I slathered up my kids with sunscreen before schoolon field day right here in Wicomico County..they are in elementary school. I sent more with them...guess what..the teachers cannot apply it here either..apparently sunscreen requires a doctors note..really people? Thank goodness I had already applied it..field day here was unbelievable hot this year. One of the dumbest things I have ever heard of...I asked the teacher if the kids could apply it to each other (I know the teachers are busy), and she said it is a rule, and it is not allowed...What in the world brought this on..I understand the mothers concern..though she should have put it on them anyway that morning..or the girl looks old enough to put it on herself.

  12. I'm a first grade teacher; I know the rules but I'm also mom and I help the kids apply on their faces & use spray kind for legs, arms & neck! I also make reminder stickers using large labels with sports day or fieldtrip reminders! Bottom line, be an involved parent & clean out your child's bookbag EACH night! Parents want their kids to be responsible but yet protect their child & themselves from being responsible?


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