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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Spies at U.N. 'Green' Confab Expose Red Agenda

A team of “spies” led by the U.K.’s Lord Christopher Monckton infiltrated the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, known as Rio+20, over the past few weeks, uncovering startling and open admissions that the real agenda behind the confab is not environmentalism, but one-world government.

In an interview following the conference with Liberty News Network, Monckton, a former advisor to U.K. Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and current policy advisor for the Science & Public Policy Institute, explained that many attendees openly admitted the “green” agenda was failing, but that the dream of a global socialist government must nonetheless go on.

“The deforestation that’s evident here in Brazil should be discouraged and reversed … these are real environmental concerns. But these concerns were not talked about here at this conference,” Monckton revealed. “Instead, they were still effectively talking about a mechanism for setting up a global government so that they can shut down the West, shut down democracy and bring freedom to an end worldwide.”


1 comment:

  1. Even though these machinations of various entities, committees, groups, and governments are exposed daily and even done openly, right in front of us, most people still dismiss them as "fringe" or "conspiracy" rantings. Some people, many actually, would not believe they were being robbed as long as the robber talked nice. They wouldn't believe the robbery was taking place even if the robber shot the person next to them. Many people wouldn't believe things like this are going on even if they were branded with the truth. "The system is working" all right; just not in the way most people can imagine.


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