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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Spain Needs Bailout

As crippling austerity pushes Greece to the brink, and leaves Spain in need of a bailout, which could threaten the entire Eurozone – British voters are worried their country could be next. Conservative Prime Minister David Cameron brought austerity to the UK in 2010 – and has since seen virtually no economic growth. And now a new poll shows that 73% of British voters think their country is "moving in the wrong direction." The poll, which was commissioned by the International Trade Union Confederation, also found that voters across the G20 felt their respective nations were in trouble - with 56% of respondents saying their nation is also heading in the wrong direction. Also – roughly two-thirds of those polled in the G20 said that banks, financial institutions, and corporations had too much influence on their government's economic decisions. The U.N. is also weighing in on the austerity agenda in a new report that says Europe is in a "vicious circle" of high unemployment, debt, and austerity. The report urges government to move away from austerity and instead promote growth and job creation, which appears to be finally happening in places like France and Greece. But in the United States – Mitt Romney and the Republican Party are doubling-down on austerity – to crash the economy and hurt Obama's re-election chances.


  1. Its going to be a one world government and monetary system soon so what does it matter.

  2. 10:08-I agree fully.It's just happening a lot faster than I first thought it would.


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