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Saturday, June 30, 2012

Some GOP-Led States Plan to Resist Health Care Law, As Ruling Reins in Medicaid Expansion

Leaders of the 26 states that challenged the federal health care law in court have one luxury with the outcome -- they can do nothing.

While the Supreme Court upheld the bulk of the Affordable Care Act, it did rein in the law's expansion of Medicaid by ruling that the federal government could not withhold Medicaid funds to those states that don't comply. The absence of any punitive measures means there is nothing to compel the governors or attorneys general to begin implementation of the law.

Republican Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, for one, made clear his state will sit tight.



  1. IT does not need expanding.Just stop the corruption and excessive medical billing.Stop putting people in wheel chairs that do not need them.Keep the benifits in the USA.

  2. "Stop putting people in wheel chairs that do not need them" and stop overmedicating with prescriptions drugs, performing unnessesary tests and procedures and people need to stop running to the doctors if they sneeze or stub their toe!

  3. King Obama will send you away to his re-education camp he may hit you with his DRONE!

  4. According to Article 1 of the Constitution all tax bills must originate in the House of Representatives. When the Democrats started this bill in 2009 it originated in the United States Senate because it was being sold as a purchase and not a tax.


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