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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Seven Kittens Need A Home

Call Suzie for details. 410-422-2172


  1. Please spay your cat. Kittens and cats are dying by the millions in shelters everyday. Also make sure your adopters spay and neuter so as not to add to an already overwhelming problem. Everyone should be a responsible pet owner.

  2. took the words right out of my mouth 9:04.

  3. I for one hope you find homes for the kittens. Sometimes stray cats find homes to hang out at- it happened to us and we were berated right off the bat for not getting the cat spayed! Our choice was get the cat spayed or buy groceries. We chose the latter. LOL

  4. 1:24 it's not a laughing matter. If a stray is living at your home and you are feeding it that makes it yours and you then become responsible for that animal. If you can not afford to buy grocerys and spay the cat find someone that can or turn the animal over to a local shelter. Don't become part of the problem.

  5. There are many low income options for spay and neuter. Try Spay Now in Graysonville Md Snap in Cambridge Tomcat Connections in Cambridge or our local Humane Society for help.

  6. Ok I am not any of the above commentors but I have had 4....yes 4 female cats that showed up at my house that were ready to pop. I leave food out because I have cats of my own 2 which can not come inside because they spray even though they were fixed as kittens. Have you ever tried calling the humane society to try to get an appointment to have them fixed? Forget it we tried for 3 months and they were always booked. I have had a total of 14 cats fixed over the years and people keep dropping them. One day I will cat the SOB but until then I have to try to catch these wild ones and get them fixed. The money is not always there and the only option is to try to catch them and take them to the humane society which is a certain death. The above people want to belittle someone but I doubt one of you have ever donated money to help a shelter fix an animal or find a home.

  7. @2:33, I only LAUGHED because I was trying to find some humor in the situation that we really did not have the money to fix this cat that is not ours. I fed it because I did not want it to starve! And I could not catch it because it was wild. @2:36, I am glad they have low income spay programs. But if it's not my cat and my husband is out of work, that money is going to be saved for something else.

  8. 2:42. You have the nerve to say I have probably never spent money to spay and neuter. I will have you know. I have done rescue for 30 years have spent money out of my own pocket to spay and neuter at least 3000 homeless animals. Have them fully vetted and placed in loving homes so don't presume to know anything about me.

  9. meow! hiss, psst, cat fight!


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