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Saturday, June 23, 2012

Sarandon Film May Require Substantial Financial Help From City

If the upcoming feature film, “Ping Pong Summer,” is to be filmed entirely in Ocean City, it will require not only the town’s logistical cooperation, but also a significant financial contribution from the municipality, according to an email sent by the film’s lead producer to city officials.

In a message to Councilman Joe Hall, producer George Rush stated that he was contacting Hall – and would soon be contacting the mayor and other council members – to introduce the idea of filming in Ocean City for six weeks beginning in mid-September. Rush mentioned four Hollywood notables who have committed to the movie thus far – Susan Sarandon, James Nesbitt, Amy Sedaris and Judah Friedlander.

As previously reported by several entertainment websites, the film will star Sarandon in a coming-of-age tale about a teenage boy obsessed with table tennis and early hip-hop music, and his memorable family vacation to Ocean City in the summer of 1985.



  1. If O.C. was smart, they'd cut Sarandon a check NOT to visit the area.

  2. I would not donate even a used turd to anything involving Sarandon.

  3. Sarandon can stay on the left coast.

  4. I don't know what your problem is with Ms. Sarandon, but keep it to yourself please.

    These millionaire people need money from the city of Ocean City??

    Unreal.I didn't read all of the story so anything that was said after I stopped reading, I have no clue.

    I was hoping the movie and crews would bring some much needed money to the area but now I'm not too sure.

    Almost sounds doomed from the start.

    And to be fair, should I have kept that to myself?

  5. OC is run by lefties and they will probably give her anything she wants. I'd suggest giving her O'Malley.

  6. I would be happy to keep my opinions of Sarandon to myself if she would stop trying to force her leftist opinions on everyone else. If she gets to espouse her line then I get to do it as well. Fair is fair.

  7. 11:50....look up Susan Sarandon & Cindy Sheehan on the internet....I wouldn't give Sarandon water if she was dying of thirst!!!

  8. I would be happy to keep my opinions of Sarandon to myself if she would stop trying to force her leftist opinions on everyone else. If she gets to espouse her line then I get to do it as well. Fair is fair.

    June 23, 2012 12:15 PM

    Ok, sounds fair enough. I don't know that much about her or her views.

    But you know what? I should not have said 'keep it to yourselves' in the first place.

    I hereby withdraw that statement.

    You have that right to speak your mind. I'm sitting at this computer almost falling asleep.

    So I will blame my mistake on that. lol

    I apologize and thank you for not going off on me. I truly would have deserved it.

    Have a nice weekend, and thanks for being civil.


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