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Thursday, June 07, 2012

Salisbury Settles On Waste Water Treatment Plant Lawsuit

Salisbury settles for $10,000,000.00. Because Paul Wilbur crossed out the liability warranty clause.

At an estimated ADDITIONAL cost to repair @ $66,000,000.00 plus change orders. Are you throwing up in your mouth yet?


  1. Can you say "Malpractice"?

  2. Can you say malfeasance! What was done by those in office at the times of the Wastewater plant & the "Old Mall" TIF are criminal!!

  3. Wow, a $10 million settlement for a $66 million repair... ouch. That's about $1,870 of unexpected new debt per city resident, not tax-payer - man-woman-child resident. We are in this mess because we trusted the wrong person / people with making a very important collective decision for us. WE elected the people who appointed and hired the people who got us into this mess. So, ultimately - WE got ourselves into this mess. That is why it is so important that WE show up to the polls every single time and elect good, competent & accountable people. Not people just because they look nice, not people just because they are popular, not people just because they have a thesaurus of a vocabulary... we need good, competent and accountable people to lead us. Every election matters and just now we are are figuring out that the City elections of 2001 & 2005 mattered to the tune of 56 million dollars. ouch.

  4. OMG, what a mess those in office at the time, got us into. Is there any way they can spend time in prison for this mess? If so, that's where they need to be.

  5. Until Salisbury begins budgeting based upon EXPECTED costs, this will never change. Remember, Salisbury was given a "free" fireboat worth $900K. There are to be EXPECTED new costs associated with it. Hello? Anyone adding budget for this? Hello, anyone home?

  6. Yes,Yes I am but for a different reason.

  7. Can the residents file a civil lawsuit against those that perpetrated this mess?

  8. They got rid of Paul Wilber who put them in this shape thanks to the former Dream Team of Smith Dunn, Comegys,Tilghman,Cathcart,etc. JOE ALBERO FOR MAYOR.

  9. Does the damn thing work? That's what I want to know. You know, it's also our drinking water we're talking about, isn't it?

  10. Thanks to the present council majority for dumping city attorney Paul Wilber.
    Boos to previous council majorities for keeping him on even when they saw that he was screwing up again and again. Yes, Mike, Lynn, Gary, Louise, Shanie, I'm talking about YOU.

  11. soon to be ex Maryland property owner!June 8, 2012 at 9:08 AM

    I am just throwing this out there...But we are all to jump on the "lets stone Paul Wilbur bandwagon" But I would say that he probably did what the "Mayor" and "Council" told him to do...I mean I have never went to my Laywer and had him say "Hey lets wave that liability clause to get this deal done"

  12. I'm not a lawyer, nor do I consider myself a smart person but I would think Paul Wilbur as an attorney and Tilghman would have professional insurance if they are responsible for the low settlement. May just help out a little. 56 million is a lot to make up. Just a thought. I'm also pretty sure if I were to knowingly run my septic in a ditch towards the Bay I'd go to jail.

  13. The only good thing about this, is that Wilber is finally gone. Tighlman gone, Dunn gone, Cathcart gone, Comegys gone, Smith gone Jacobs gone. Now for Ireton and Mitchell.

  14. soon to be ex Maryland property owner! said...

    I am just throwing this out there...But we are all to jump on the "lets stone Paul Wilbur bandwagon" But I would say that he probably did what the "Mayor" and "Council" told him to do...I mean I have never went to my Laywer and had him say "Hey lets wave that liability clause to get this deal done"

    June 8, 2012 9:08 AM

    One thing to keep in mind if Paul Wilbur this was wrong then there is no excuse. I say STONE him and Jim Ireton.

  15. Wasn't it Jim Ireton who fought the current council to keep Paul Wilbur when Liarton promised to get rid of him?

  16. Sue them!!! They should be for what they allowed to happen to the county!!


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