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Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Salisbury City Council’s Amended Budget Becomes Law

Salisbury - Salisbury City Clerk Kim Nichols confirmed today that, in accordance with the City of Salisbury Charter Section §2-12, the Salisbury City Council’s amended FY2013 Budget has become law. The budget ordinance was passed by the Council on May 29, 2012, by a 4–to–1 vote.

The budget takes effect on July 1, 2012, the start of the new fiscal year for Salisbury. The real property tax rate will remain at 81.9 cents per $100 of assessed value.

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  1. You said it all along didn't you Joe?

    Jim is smoke and mirrors!

  2. Glad to hear it's confirmed. Jimbo left everybody hanging, him and his buddies at that worthless newspaper.

    Kudos to the council (except the suck up Mitchell) for working toward a good outcome for the people and local businesses.

  3. Mitchell might as well vote against the budget, she doesn't have clue except she'd like more money for traveling on the taxpayers money.

  4. Kudos to Shannie for making Mitchell look dumb as a stump! Maybe Shannie realizes that she was on the wrong train long enough, time to leave the losers behind Shannie, you go gurl!

  5. I think the stress of FAILURE is getting to Jim. He will be stepping down soon,I can feel it.

  6. While I don't have any inside information on how the City CURRENTLY plans to fund its costs (and which), does anyone know whether the upkeep of the new ("free") fireboat will be funded?

    Just curious...

  7. Anonymous said...

    While I don't have any inside information on how the City CURRENTLY plans to fund its costs (and which), does anyone know whether the upkeep of the new ("free") fireboat will be funded?

    Just curious...

    June 6, 2012 9:19 PM

    They have already paid THOUSANDS of dollars in overtime to train firefighters how to operate it and they haven't even scratched the surface yet.

    So much for that free money to buy the fire boat.

  8. Ireton couldn't handle it when he was on the council, yet know all he can do is bash Debbie, Terry and Tim, and Shanie now, I guess she'll be on his hit list next. I too think Jimmy is ready for a full meltdown soon.

  9. If Ireton had the nads he would get rid of that worthless wannabe fire chief wasting so much of our tax dollars on that free fire boat.

  10. Joe:

    Inquiring minds want to know:

    Was Ireton so hung over from his booze binge that he forgot to do the veto?

  11. Re: fireboat expenses. Two councilwomen still think it's a gift from above. Two councilwomen and one councilman know better and are expecting a tight and right periodic report from the SFD.

  12. Jim has abandoned any common sense that he ever had. He has kicked hte people who really cared about him to the curb. He has new friends now like Mike Dunn, Barry Tilghman, Chuck Cook, & Laura Mitchell. It's all about political social climbing for him. He is happy to squander our tax dollars to try to get where he wants to be politically.

  13. 8:44, couldn't have said it better myself.

    Now I'm wondering...

    Joe, since you said Ireton and Mitchell were off partying with O'Malley the night the veto was due, maybe he never planned to veto it. Maybe all this was just to create drama, beat up his friends on council, cost legal money or whatever.

    From the outside, sometimes it looks like the immature mayor just likes to cause chaos "cuz it's fun" or politically beneficial to do so.

    Another reason I am glad I live just beyond the city limits. Hope they never annex me.

  14. "He is happy to squander our tax dollars to try to get where he wants to be politically"

    Where exactly does he want to be politically...and what in the world would he DO when he got there? - seriously, if he can't handle a town like Salisbury... he needs to re-think ANY other political aspirations


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