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Monday, June 18, 2012

Ron Paul Wins 21 Of 25 Delegates Elected In Iowa

DES MOINES, Iowa – Mitt Romney was pipped at the post by Rick Santorum at the Iowa caucuses in January, but neither will head into the national convention with the majority of delegates from the Hawkeye State.

Instead Ron Paul will go to the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Fla., in August with 21 of the 25 unbound delegates elected from Iowa over the weekend.

Paul won 10 of 13 delegates elected at Saturday's state convention in addition to having won 11 of 12 delegates elected at Friday night's district conventions.

"We thank the many Iowa Republican activists for working tirelessly toward this meaningful victory, in particular the work they performed in the service of constitutional government and personal liberty," Ron Paul campaign chairman Jesse Benton said.

"This win is a real validation for our campaign and its many supporters in Iowa and across our great nation.

"We look forward to bringing the Ron Paul delegation to Tampa and to making a significant, positive contribution to the 2012 Republican Party platform."



  1. Although I do not purport to understand these politics, I do know as a citizen I want Ron Paul's idealism as part of our next presidency. I have no idea why foiks have fallen for the bait Romney has thrown, but now we are ushered in to a vote for the Lesser of Two Evils once again. Anyone who thinks Romney represents anyone except the corporations that have thrown multi millions, billions towards a campaign for a job that pays 1.6 million over 4 years os a total fool.

    Can't you get that???

    When Ron Paul has suspended spending since he couldn't make the grade on morals alone, he is still getting delegates at the rate of 90%.

    Where are you driving your country?

  2. 619, I couldn't have said it better myself. How on earth is it that people want Ron Paul and his ideals, and big corporations buy another candidates' agenda and also buy his delegates is a testament to where this country is headed. Shame on anyone who won't have the gonads to write in for Ron Paul. I am. Call me an idiot, call me a moron, but don't call me when your president controls every aspect of your life. I won't be home.

  3. Ron Paul is the only one who makes sense to me and one of the few rational voices in politics for the last 30 years. It would be a disservice to the entire world and generations to come if either of the two money hungry war mongers are voted in. Thinking about Obama and what he has done and plans to do is unnerving.

  4. Since Ron Paul will be too old to run in 2016,has Rand Paul considered running for president?

  5. Ron Paul truly is the only candidate in this election who has seen it all and experienced it first hand. He served for our country, and he knows what the people want. No wonder he gains the most support from the troops.


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